Selected Publications

Influences of maternal and paternal PTSD on epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in Holocaust survivor offspring.
Yehuda R, Daskalakis NP, Lehrner A, Desarnaud F, Bader HN, Makotkine J, Flory JD, Bierer LM, Meaney MJ. (2014)
American Journal of Psychiatry.
Publisher’s website
Variations in postnatal maternal care and the epigenetic regulation of Grm1 expression and hippocampal function in the rat.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 Suppl. 2:17200-17207.
Bagot RC, Zhang TY, Wen XL, Nguyen TTT, Nguyen BH, Diorio J, Wong TP, Meaney, MJ. (2012)
Publisher’s website
Epigenomic regulation of the neural transcriptome: The meaning of the marks.
Nature Neuroscience 13:1313-1318.
Meaney MJ, Ferguson-Smith A. (2010)
Publisher’s website


Publications by Year

Fogel A; McCrickerd K; Aris IM; Goh AT; Chong YS; Tan KH; Yap F; Shek LP; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Godfrey KM; Chong MFF; Cai S; Pang WW; Yuan WL; Lee YS; Forde CG, 2020. Eating behaviors moderate the associations between risk factors in the first 1000 days and adiposity outcomes at 6 years of age.  Am J Clin Nutr.

Labonté B; Abdallah K; Maussion G; Yerko V; Yang J; Bittar T; Quessy F; Golden SA; Navarro L; Checknita D; Gigek C; Lopez JP; Neve RL; Russo SJ; Tremblay RE; Côté G; Meaney MJ; Mechawar N; Nestler EJ; Turecki G, 2020. Regulation of impulsive and aggressive behaviours by a novel lncRNA.  Mol Psychiatry.

Pang WW; Tan PT; Cai S; Fok D; Chua MC; Lim SB; Shek LP; Chan SY; Tan KH; Yap F; Gluckman PD; Godfrey KM; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Kramer MS; Chong YS; Rifkin-Graboi A, 2020. Nutrients or nursing? Understanding how breast milk feeding affects child cognition.  Eur J Nutr 59(2):609-619

Zhang TY; Shahrokh D; Hellstrom IC; Wen X; Diorio J; Breuillaud L; Caldji C; Meaney MJ, 2020. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Nucleus Accumbens Mediates Individual Differences in Behavioral Responses to a Natural, Social Reward.  Mol Neurobiol 57(1):290-301

Phua DY; Kee MZL; Meaney MJ, 2020. Positive Maternal Mental Health, Parenting, and Child Development.  Biol Psychiatry 87(4):328-337

Pang WW; McCrickerd K; Quah PL; Fogel A; Aris IM; Yuan WL; Fok D; Chua MC; Lim SB; Shek LP; Chan SY; Tan KH; Yap F; Godfrey KM; Meaney MJ; Wlodek ME; Eriksson JG; Kramer MS; Forde CG; Chong MF; Chong YS, 2020. Is breastfeeding associated with later child eating behaviours?  Appetite 150:104653

Barth B; Bizarro L; Miguel PM; Dubé L; Levitan R; O'Donnell K; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2020. Genetically predicted gene expression of prefrontal DRD4 gene and the differential susceptibility to childhood emotional eating in response to positive environment.  Appetite 148:104594

Breen MS; Bierer LM; Daskalakis NP; Bader HN; Makotkine I; Chattopadhyay M; Xu C; Grice AB; Tocheva AS; Flory JD; Buxbaum JD; Meaney MJ; Brennand K; Yehuda R, 2020. Correction: Differential transcriptional response following glucocorticoid activation in cultured blood immune cells: a novel approach to PTSD biomarker development.  Transl Psychiatry 10(1):1

Tan HK; Goh SKY; Tsotsi S; Bruntraeger M; Chen HY; Broekman B; Tan KH; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Qiu A; Rifkin-Graboi A, 2020. Maternal antenatal anxiety and electrophysiological functioning amongst a sub-set of preschoolers participating in the GUSTO cohort.  BMC Psychiatry 20(1):62

O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ, 2020. Epigenetics, Development, and Psychopathology.  Annu Rev Clin Psychol.

McEwen LM; O'Donnell KJ; McGill MG; Edgar RD; Jones MJ; MacIsaac JL; Lin DTS; Ramadori K; Morin A; Gladish N; Garg E; Unternaehrer E; Pokhvisneva I; Karnani N; Kee MZL; Klengel T; Adler NE; Barr RG; Letourneau N; Giesbrecht GF; Reynolds JN; Czamara D; Armstrong JM; Essex MJ; de Weerth C; Beijers R; Tollenaar MS; Bradley B; Jovanovic T; Ressler KJ; Steiner M; Entringer S; Wadhwa PD; Buss C; Bush NR; Binder EB; Boyce WT; Meaney MJ; Horvath S; Kobor MS, 2019. The PedBE clock accurately estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

Sung SC; Tng HY; Wong ZJ; Tan YL; Tan YR; Choong SF; Chin CH; Jang LY; Kwan CH; Ong SH; Hudziak JJ; Meaney MJ; Fung DS, 2019. Assessing for Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Parents of Clinically-Referred Children: Laying the Foundation for a Family-Based Approach to Mental Health in Singapore.  Ann Acad Med Singapore 48(2):55-62

Fogel A; Fries LR; McCrickerd K; Goh AT; Chan MJ; Toh JY; Chong YS; Tan KH; Yap F; Shek LP; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Lee YS; Godfrey KM; Chong MFF; Forde CG, 2019. Prospective associations between parental feeding practices and children's oral processing behaviours.  Matern Child Nutr 15(1):e12635

Belsky J; Pokhvisneva I; Rema ASS; Broekman BFP; Pluess M; O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2019. Polygenic differential susceptibility to prenatal adversity.  Dev Psychopathol 31(2):439-441

Jolicoeur-Martineau A; Wazana A; Szekely E; Steiner M; Fleming AS; Kennedy JL; Meaney MJ; Greenwood CMT, 2019. Alternating optimization for G × E modelling with weighted genetic and environmental scores: Examples from the MAVAN study.  Psychol Methods 24(2):196-216

Zhang H; Wee CY; Poh JS; Wang Q; Shek LP; Chong YS; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Qiu A, 2019. Fronto-parietal numerical networks in relation with early numeracy in young children.  Brain Struct Funct 224(1):263-275

Tsotsi S; Broekman BFP; Shek LP; Tan KH; Chong YS; Chen H; Meaney MJ; Rifkin-Graboi AE, 2019. Maternal Parenting Stress, Child Exuberance, and Preschoolers' Behavior Problems.  Child Dev 90(1):136-146

Pecheva D; Lee A; Poh JS; Chong YS; Shek LP; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ; Fortier MV; Qiu A, 2019. Neural Transcription Correlates of Multimodal Cortical Phenotypes during Development.  Cereb Cortex.

Toepfer P; O'Donnell KJ; Entringer S; Garg E; Heim CM; Lin DTS; MacIsaac JL; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Provençal N; Binder EB; Wadhwa PD; Buss C, 2019. Dynamic DNA methylation changes in the maternal oxytocin gene locus (OXT) during pregnancy predict postpartum maternal intrusiveness.  Psychoneuroendocrinology 103:156-162

Tsotsi S; Broekman BFP; Sim LW; Shek LP; Tan KH; Chong YS; Qiu A; Chen HY; Meaney MJ; Rifkin-Graboi A, 2019. Maternal Anxiety, Parenting Stress, and Preschoolers' Behavior Problems: The Role of Child Self-Regulation.  J Dev Behav Pediatr 40(9):696-705

Parent C; Pokhvisneva I; Gaudreau H; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2019. Association Between Repeated Episodes of Gastroenteritis and Mental Health Problems in Childhood and Adolescence.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 58(11):1115-1123

Toepfer P; O'Donnell KJ; Entringer S; Heim CM; Lin DTS; MacIsaac JL; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Provençal N; Binder EB; Wadhwa PD; Buss C, 2019. A Role of Oxytocin Receptor Gene Brain Tissue Expression Quantitative Trait Locus rs237895 in the Intergenerational Transmission of the Effects of Maternal Childhood Maltreatment.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 58(12):1207-1216

Hari Dass SA; McCracken K; Pokhvisneva I; Chen LM; Garg E; Nguyen TTT; Wang Z; Barth B; Yaqubi M; McEwen LM; MacIsaac JL; Diorio J; Kobor MS; O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2019. A biologically-informed polygenic score identifies endophenotypes and clinical conditions associated with the insulin receptor function on specific brain regions.  EBioMedicine 42:188-202

Fogel A; McCrickerd K; Goh AT; Fries LR; Chong YS; Tan KH; Yap F; Shek LP; Meaney MJ; Cai S; Silveira PP; Broekman BFP; Lee YS; Godfrey KM; Chong MFF; Forde CG, 2019. Associations between inhibitory control, eating behaviours and adiposity in 6-year-old children.  Int J Obes (Lond) 43(7):1344-1353

Miguel PM; Pereira LO; Silveira PP; Meaney MJ, 2019. Early environmental influences on the development of children's brain structure and function.  Dev Med Child Neurol 61(10):1127-1133

Lai JS; Mohamad Ayob MN; Cai S; Quah PL; Gluckman PD; Shek LP; Yap F; Tan KH; Chong YS; Godfrey KM; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Rifkin-Graboi A; Chong MFF, 2019. Maternal plasma vitamin B12 concentrations during pregnancy and infant cognitive outcomes at 2 years of age.  Br J Nutr 121(11):1303-1312

Foley JW; Zhu C; Jolivet P; Zhu SX; Lu P; Meaney MJ; West RB, 2019. Gene expression profiling of single cells from archival tissue with laser-capture microdissection and Smart-3SEQ.  Genome Res 29(11):1816-1825

Sallis H; Szekely E; Neumann A; Jolicoeur-Martineau A; van IJzendoorn M; Hillegers M; Greenwood CMT; Meaney MJ; Steiner M; Tiemeier H; Wazana A; Pearson RM; Evans J, 2019. General psychopathology, internalising and externalising in children and functional outcomes in late adolescence.  J Child Psychol Psychiatry 60(11):1183-1190

Miguel PM; Pereira LO; Barth B; de Mendonça Filho EJ; Pokhvisneva I; Nguyen TTT; Garg E; Razzolini BR; Koh DXP; Gallant H; Sassi RB; Hall GBC; O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2019. Prefrontal Cortex Dopamine Transporter Gene Network Moderates the Effect of Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Conditions on Cognitive Flexibility and Brain Gray Matter Density in Children.  Biol Psychiatry 86(8):621-630

Bouvette-Turcot AA; Fleming AS; Unternaehrer E; Gonzalez A; Atkinson L; Gaudreau H; Steiner M; Meaney MJ, 2019. Maternal symptoms of depression and sensitivity mediate the relation between maternal history of early adversity and her child temperament: The inheritance of circumstance.  Dev Psychopathol.

Czamara D; Eraslan G; Page CM; Lahti J; Lahti-Pulkkinen M; Hämäläinen E; Kajantie E; Laivuori H; Villa PM; Reynolds RM; Nystad W; Håberg SE; London SJ; O'Donnell KJ; Garg E; Meaney MJ; Entringer S; Wadhwa PD; Buss C; Jones MJ; Lin DTS; MacIsaac JL; Kobor MS; Koen N; Zar HJ; Koenen KC; Dalvie S; Stein DJ; Kondofersky I; Müller NS; Theis FJ; Räikkönen K; Binder EB, 2019. Integrated analysis of environmental and genetic influences on cord blood DNA methylation in new-borns.  Nat Commun 10(1):2548

Unternaehrer E; Cost KT; Jonas W; Dhir SK; Bouvette-Turcot AA; Gaudreau H; Dass SH; Lydon JE; Steiner M; Szatmari P; Meaney MJ; Fleming AS, 2019. Once and Again : History of Rearing Experiences and Psychosocial Parenting Resources at Six Months in Primiparous Mothers.  Hum Nat 30(4):448-476

Lai JS; Cai S; Feng L; Shek LP; Yap F; Tan KH; Chong YS; Godfrey KM; Meaney MJ; Rifkin-Graboi A; Broekman BFP; Chong MFF, 2019. Associations of maternal zinc and magnesium with offspring learning abilities and cognitive development at 4 years in GUSTO.  Nutr Neurosci.

Wang Q; Zhang H; Poh JS; Pecheva D; Broekman BFP; Chong YS; Shek LP; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2019. Sex-Dependent Associations among Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Child Reward Network, and Behaviors in Early Childhood.  Cereb Cortex.

Unternaehrer E; Cost KT; Bouvette-Turcot AA; Gaudreau H; Massicotte R; Dhir SK; Hari Dass SA; O'Donnell KJ; Gordon-Green C; Atkinson L; Levitan RD; Wazana A; Steiner M; Lydon JE; Clark R; Fleming AS; Meaney MJ, 2019. Dissecting maternal care: Patterns of maternal parenting in a prospective cohort study.  J Neuroendocrinol 31(9):e12784

Breen MS; Bierer LM; Daskalakis NP; Bader HN; Makotkine I; Chattopadhyay M; Xu C; Buxbaum Grice A; Tocheva AS; Flory JD; Buxbaum JD; Meaney MJ; Brennand K; Yehuda R, 2019. Differential transcriptional response following glucocorticoid activation in cultured blood immune cells: a novel approach to PTSD biomarker development.  Transl Psychiatry 9(1):201

Rifkin-Graboi A; Tan HM; Shaun GKY; Sim LW; Sanmugam S; Chong YS; Tan KH; Shek L; Gluckman PD; Chen H; Fortier M; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2019. An initial investigation of neonatal neuroanatomy, caregiving, and levels of disorganized behavior.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116(34):16787-16792

Aishworiya R; Cai S; Chen HY; Phua DY; Broekman BFP; Daniel LM; Chong YS; Shek LP; Yap F; Chan SY; Meaney MJ; Law EC, 2019. Television viewing and child cognition in a longitudinal birth cohort in Singapore: the role of maternal factors.  BMC Pediatr 19(1):286

Ong ML; Tuan TA; Poh J; Teh AL; Chen L; Pan H; MacIsaac JL; Kobor MS; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Karnani N; Meaney MJ; Qiu A; Holbrook JD, 2019. Neonatal amygdalae and hippocampi are influenced by genotype and prenatal environment, and reflected in the neonatal DNA methylome.  Genes Brain Behav 18(7):e12576

Soe NN; Wen DJ; Poh JS; Chong YS; Broekman BF; Chen H; Shek LP; Tan KH; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2018. Perinatal maternal depressive symptoms alter amygdala functional connectivity in girls.  Hum Brain Mapp 39(2):680-690

Yehuda R; Meaney MJ, 2018. Relevance of Psychological Symptoms in Pregnancy to Intergenerational Effects of Preconception Trauma.  Biol Psychiatry 83(2):94-96

Graffi J; Moss E; Jolicoeur-Martineau A; Moss G; Lecompte V; Pascuzzo K; Babineau V; Gordon-Green C; Mileva-Seitz VR; Minde K; Sassi R; Steiner M; Kennedy JL; Gaudreau H; Levitan R; Meaney MJ; Wazana A, 2018. The dopamine D4 receptor gene, birth weight, maternal depression, maternal attention, and the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age: A prospective gene×environment analysis.  Infant Behav Dev 50:64-77

Nguyen HB; Parent C; Tse YC; Wong TP; Meaney MJ, 2018. Generalization of Conditioned Auditory Fear is Regulated by Maternal Effects on Ventral Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity.  Neuropsychopharmacology 43(6):1297-1307

O'Donnell KJ; Chen L; MacIsaac JL; McEwen LM; Nguyen T; Beckmann K; Zhu Y; Chen LM; Brooks-Gunn J; Goldman D; Grigorenko EL; Leckman JF; Diorio J; Karnani N; Olds DL; Holbrook JD; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ, 2018. DNA methylome variation in a perinatal nurse-visitation program that reduces child maltreatment: a 27-year follow-up.  Transl Psychiatry 8(1):15

Silveira PP; Pokhvisneva I; Gaudreau H; Atkinson L; Fleming AS; Sokolowski MB; Steiner M; Kennedy JL; Dubé L; Levitan RD; Meaney MJ, 2018. Fetal growth interacts with multilocus genetic score reflecting dopamine signaling capacity to predict spontaneous sugar intake in children.  Appetite 120:596-601

Heng J; Quan J; Sim LW; Sanmugam S; Broekman B; Bureau JF; Meaney MJ; Holbrook JD; Rifkin-Graboi A, 2018. The role of ethnicity and socioeconomic status in Southeast Asian mothers' parenting sensitivity.  Attach Hum Dev 20(1):24-42

Wang C; Shen M; Guillaume B; Chong YS; Chen H; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2018. FKBP5 Moderates the Association between Antenatal Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Neonatal Brain Morphology.  Neuropsychopharmacology 43(3):564-570

Lutz PE; Gross JA; Dhir SK; Maussion G; Yang J; Bramoulle A; Meaney MJ; Turecki G, 2018. Epigenetic Regulation of the Kappa Opioid Receptor by Child Abuse.  Biol Psychiatry 84(10):751-761

van Lee L; Cai S; Loy SL; Tham EKH; Yap FKP; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Shek LPC; Teoh OH; Goh DYT; Tan KH; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Chen H; Broekman BFP; Chong MFF, 2018. Relation of plasma tryptophan concentrations during pregnancy to maternal sleep and mental well-being: The GUSTO cohort.  J Affect Disord 225:523-529

Akil H; Gordon J; Hen R; Javitch J; Mayberg H; McEwen B; Meaney MJ; Nestler EJ, 2018. Treatment resistant depression: A multi-scale, systems biology approach.  Neurosci Biobehav Rev 84:272-288

Ong MY; Eilander J; Saw SM; Xie Y; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP, 2018. The influence of perceived parenting styles on socio-emotional development from pre-puberty into puberty.  Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 27(1):37-46

Pokhvisneva I; Léger É; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2018. Systematic Overestimation of Reflection Impulsivity in the Information Sampling Task: Age Dependency in Children.  Biol Psychiatry 83(2):e33-e34

Parent C; Pokhvisneva I; Gaudreau H; Diorio J; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2018. Community study found that cutaneous allergies in childhood were associated with conduct problems in girls.  Acta Paediatr 107(5):900-901

Zhang TY; Keown CL; Wen X; Li J; Vousden DA; Anacker C; Bhattacharyya U; Ryan R; Diorio J; O'Toole N; Lerch JP; Mukamel EA; Meaney MJ, 2018. Environmental enrichment increases transcriptional and epigenetic differentiation between mouse dorsal and ventral dentate gyrus.  Nat Commun 9(1):298

Forest M; O'Donnell KJ; Voisin G; Gaudreau H; MacIsaac JL; McEwen LM; Silveira PP; Steiner M; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Greenwood CMT, 2018. Agreement in DNA methylation levels from the Illumina 450K array across batches, tissues, and time.  Epigenetics 13(1):19-32

Das S; Lecours Boucher X; Rogers C; Makowski C; Chouinard-Decorte F; Oros Klein K; Beck N; Rioux P; Brown ST; Mohaddes Z; Zweber C; Foing V; Forest M; O'Donnell KJ; Clark J; Meaney MJ; Greenwood CMT; Evans AC, 2018. Integration of "omics" Data and Phenotypic Data Within a Unified Extensible Multimodal Framework.  Front Neuroinform 12:91

Garg E; Chen L; Nguyen TTT; Pokhvisneva I; Chen LM; Unternaehrer E; MacIsaac JL; McEwen LM; Mah SM; Gaudreau H; Levitan R; Moss E; Sokolowski MB; Kennedy JL; Steiner MS; Meaney MJ; Holbrook JD; Silveira PP; Karnani N; Kobor MS; O'Donnell KJ, 2018. The early care environment and DNA methylome variation in childhood.  Dev Psychopathol 30(3):891-903

Mandelbaum J; Moore S; Silveira PP; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD; Dubé L, 2018. Does social capital moderate the association between children's emotional overeating and parental stress? A cross-sectional study of the stress-buffering hypothesis in a sample of mother-child dyads.  Soc Sci Med.

Jonas W; Bisceglia R; Meaney MJ; Dudin A; Fleming AS; Steiner M, 2018. The role of breastfeeding in the association between maternal and infant cortisol attunement in the first postpartum year.  Acta Paediatr 107(7):1205-1217

Rodrigues DM; Manfro GG; Levitan RD; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2018. Moderating effect of PLIN4 genetic variant on impulsivity traits in 5-year-old-children born small for gestational age.  Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 137:19-25

Silveira PP; Pokhvisneva I; Gaudreau H; Rifkin-Graboi A; Broekman BFP; Steiner M; Levitan R; Parent C; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2018. Birth weight and catch up growth are associated with childhood impulsivity in two independent cohorts.  Sci Rep 8(1):13705

Wee CY; Poh JS; Wang Q; Broekman BF; Chong YS; Kwek K; Shek LP; Saw SM; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2018. Behavioral Heterogeneity in Relation with Brain Functional Networks in Young Children.  Cereb Cortex 28(9):3322-3331

Phua DY; Kee MKZL; Koh DXP; Rifkin-Graboi A; Daniels M; Chen H; Chong YS; Broekman BFP; Magiati I; Karnani N; Pluess M; Meaney MJ, 2018. Positive maternal mental health during pregnancy associated with specific forms of adaptive development in early childhood: Evidence from a longitudinal study-CORRIGENDUM.  Dev Psychopathol 30(4):1547

Chen LM; Yao N; Garg E; Zhu Y; Nguyen TTT; Pokhvisneva I; Hari Dass SA; Unternaehrer E; Gaudreau H; Forest M; McEwen LM; MacIsaac JL; Kobor MS; Greenwood CMT; Silveira PP; Meaney MJ; O'Donnell KJ, 2018. PRS-on-Spark (PRSoS): a novel, efficient and flexible approach for generating polygenic risk scores.  BMC Bioinformatics 19(1):295

Pennestri MH; Laganière C; Bouvette-Turcot AA; Pokhvisneva I; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Gaudreau H, 2018. Uninterrupted Infant Sleep, Development, and Maternal Mood.  Pediatrics 142.

Meaney MJ, 2018. Perinatal Maternal Depressive Symptoms as an Issue for Population Health.  Am J Psychiatry 175(11):1084-1093

Fogel A; Mccrickerd K; Fries LR; Goh AT; Quah PL; Chan MJ; Toh JY; Chong YS; Tan KH; Yap F; Shek LP; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Lee YS; Godfrey KM; Chong MFF; Forde CG, 2018. Eating in the absence of hunger: Stability over time and associations with eating behaviours and body composition in children.  Physiol Behav 192:82-89

Fogel A; Fries LR; McCrickerd K; Goh AT; Quah PL; Chan MJ; Toh JY; Chong YS; Tan KH; Yap F; Shek LP; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Lee YS; Godfrey KM; Fong Chong MF; Forde CG, 2018. Oral processing behaviours that promote children's energy intake are associated with parent-reported appetitive traits: Results from the GUSTO cohort.  Appetite 126:8-15

Lorsch ZS; Loh YE; Purushothaman I; Walker DM; Parise EM; Salery M; Cahill ME; Hodes GE; Pfau ML; Kronman H; Hamilton PJ; Issler O; Labonté B; Symonds AE; Zucker M; Zhang TY; Meaney MJ; Russo SJ; Shen L; Bagot RC; Nestler EJ, 2018. Estrogen receptor α drives pro-resilient transcription in mouse models of depression.  Nat Commun 9(1):1116

Shanmugam R; Zhang F; Srinivasan H; Charles Richard JL; Liu KI; Zhang X; Woo CWA; Chua ZHM; Buschdorf JP; Meaney MJ; Tan MH, 2018. SRSF9 selectively represses ADAR2-mediated editing of brain-specific sites in primates.  Nucleic Acids Res 46(14):7379-7395

Solomon O; MacIsaac J; Quach H; Tindula G; Kobor MS; Huen K; Meaney MJ; Eskenazi B; Barcellos LF; Holland N, 2018. Comparison of DNA methylation measured by Illumina 450K and EPIC BeadChips in blood of newborns and 14-year-old children.  Epigenetics 13(6):655-664

O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ, 2017. Fetal Origins of Mental Health: The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Hypothesis.  Am J Psychiatry 174(4):319-328

Wee CY; Tuan TA; Broekman BF; Ong MY; Chong YS; Kwek K; Shek LP; Saw SM; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2017. Neonatal neural networks predict children behavioral profiles later in life.  Hum Brain Mapp 38(3):1362-1373

Maunder RG; Hunter JJ; Atkinson L; Steiner M; Wazana A; Fleming AS; Moss E; Gaudreau H; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD, 2017. An Attachment-Based Model of the Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Somatization in Children and Adults.  Psychosom Med 79(5):506-513

Decourtye L; Mire E; Clemessy M; Heurtier V; Ledent T; Robinson IC; Mollard P; Epelbaum J; Meaney MJ; Garel S; Le Bouc Y; Kappeler L, 2017. IGF-1 Induces GHRH Neuronal Axon Elongation during Early Postnatal Life in Mice.  PLoS One 12(1):e0170083

Qiu A; Shen M; Buss C; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Gluckman PD; Wadhwa PD; Entringer S; Styner M; Karnani N; Heim CM; O'Donnell KJ; Holbrook JD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ, 2017. Effects of Antenatal Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Socio-Economic Status on Neonatal Brain Development are Modulated by Genetic Risk.  Cereb Cortex 27(5):3080-3092

Phua DY; Meaney MJ; Khor CC; Lau IYM; Hong YY, 2017. Effects of bonding with parents and home culture on intercultural adaptations and the moderating role of genes.  Behav Brain Res 325(Pt B):223-236

Fogel A; Goh AT; Fries LR; Sadananthan SA; Velan SS; Michael N; Tint MT; Fortier MV; Chan MJ; Toh JY; Chong YS; Tan KH; Yap F; Shek LP; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Lee YS; Godfrey KM; Chong MFF; Forde CG, 2017. A description of an 'obesogenic' eating style that promotes higher energy intake and is associated with greater adiposity in 4.5year-old children: Results from the GUSTO cohort.  Physiol Behav 176:107-116

Jafar NK; Tham EK; Eng DZ; Goh DY; Teoh OH; Lee YS; Shek LP; Yap F; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Gooley JJ; Broekman BF, 2017. The association between chronotype and sleep problems in preschool children.  Sleep Med 30:240-244

Decourtye L; Mire E; Clemessy M; Heurtier V; Ledent T; Robinson IC; Mollard P; Epelbaum J; Meaney MJ; Garel S; Le Bouc Y; Kappeler L, 2017. Correction: IGF-1 Induces GHRH Neuronal Axon Elongation during Early Postnatal Life in Mice.  PLoS One 12(2):e0172915

Bouvette-Turcot AA; Unternaehrer E; Gaudreau H; Lydon JE; Steiner M; Meaney MJ, 2017. The joint contribution of maternal history of early adversity and adulthood depression to socioeconomic status and potential relevance for offspring development.  J Affect Disord 207:26-31

Lin X; Lim IY; Wu Y; Teh AL; Chen L; Aris IM; Soh SE; Tint MT; MacIsaac JL; Morin AM; Yap F; Tan KH; Saw SM; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Godfrey KM; Chong YS; Holbrook JD; Lee YS; Gluckman PD; Karnani N, 2017. Developmental pathways to adiposity begin before birth and are influenced by genotype, prenatal environment and epigenome.  BMC Med 15(1):50

Wen DJ; Soe NN; Sim LW; Sanmugam S; Kwek K; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ; Rifkin-Graboi A; Qiu A, 2017. Infant frontal EEG asymmetry in relation with postnatal maternal depression and parenting behavior.  Transl Psychiatry 7(3):e1057

Wen DJ; Poh JS; Ni SN; Chong YS; Chen H; Kwek K; Shek LP; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2017. Influences of prenatal and postnatal maternal depression on amygdala volume and microstructure in young children.  Transl Psychiatry 7(4):e1103

Cai S; Tan S; Gluckman PD; Godfrey KM; Saw SM; Teoh OH; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Kramer MS; Gooley JJ, 2017. Sleep Quality and Nocturnal Sleep Duration in Pregnancy and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.  Sleep 40.

Fogel A; Goh AT; Fries LR; Sadananthan SA; Velan SS; Michael N; Tint MT; Fortier MV; Chan MJ; Toh JY; Chong YS; Tan KH; Yap F; Shek LP; Meaney MJ; Broekman BFP; Lee YS; Godfrey KM; Chong MFF; Forde CG, 2017. Faster eating rates are associated with higher energy intakes during an ad libitum meal, higher BMI and greater adiposity among 4·5-year-old children: results from the Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) cohort.  Br J Nutr 117(7):1042-1051

van Lee L; Quah PL; Saw SM; Yap FKP; Godfrey KM; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Chen H; Chong MF, 2017. Maternal choline status during pregnancy, but not that of betaine, is related to antenatal mental well-being: The growing up in Singapore toward healthy outcomes cohort.  Depress Anxiety 34(10):877-887

Bischoff AR; Pokhvisneva I; Léger É; Gaudreau H; Steiner M; Kennedy JL; O'Donnell KJ; Diorio J; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2017. Dynamic interaction between fetal adversity and a genetic score reflecting dopamine function on developmental outcomes at 36 months.  PLoS One 12(5):e0177344

Green CG; Babineau V; Jolicoeur-Martineau A; Bouvette-Turcot AA; Minde K; Sassi R; St-André M; Carrey N; Atkinson L; Kennedy JL; Steiner M; Lydon J; Gaudreau H; Burack JA; Levitan R; Meaney MJ; Wazana A, 2017. Prenatal maternal depression and child serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) genotype predict negative emotionality from 3 to 36 months.  Dev Psychopathol 29(3):901-917

Lutz PE; Tanti A; Gasecka A; Barnett-Burns S; Kim JJ; Zhou Y; Chen GG; Wakid M; Shaw M; Almeida D; Chay MA; Yang J; Larivière V; M'Boutchou MN; van Kempen LC; Yerko V; Prud'homme J; Davoli MA; Vaillancourt K; Théroux JF; Bramoullé A; Zhang TY; Meaney MJ; Ernst C; Côté D; Mechawar N; Turecki G, 2017. Association of a History of Child Abuse With Impaired Myelination in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex: Convergent Epigenetic, Transcriptional, and Morphological Evidence.  Am J Psychiatry 174(12):1185-1194

Edgar RD; Jones MJ; Meaney MJ; Turecki G; Kobor MS, 2017. BECon: a tool for interpreting DNA methylation findings from blood in the context of brain.  Transl Psychiatry 7(8):e1187

Sokolowski HM; Vasquez OE; Unternaehrer E; Sokolowski DJ; Biergans SD; Atkinson L; Gonzalez A; Silveira PP; Levitan R; O'Donnell KJ; Steiner M; Kennedy J; Meaney MJ; Fleming AS; Sokolowski MB, 2017. The Drosophila foraging gene human orthologue PRKG1 predicts individual differences in the effects of early adversity on maternal sensitivity.  Cogn Dev 42:62-73

Lin X; Teh AL; Chen L; Lim IY; Tan PF; MacIsaac JL; Morin AM; Yap F; Tan KH; Saw SM; Lee YS; Holbrook JD; Godfrey KM; Meaney MJ; Kobor MS; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Karnani N, 2017. Choice of surrogate tissue influences neonatal EWAS findings.  BMC Med 15(1):211

Silveira PP; Pokhvisneva I; Parent C; Cai S; Rema ASS; Broekman BFP; Rifkin-Graboi A; Pluess M; O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ, 2017. Cumulative prenatal exposure to adversity reveals associations with a broad range of neurodevelopmental outcomes that are moderated by a novel, biologically informed polygenetic score based on the serotonin transporter solute carrier family C6, member 4 (SLC6A4) gene expression.  Dev Psychopathol 29(5):1601-1617

Phua DY; Kee MKZL; Koh DXP; Rifkin-Graboi A; Daniels M; Chen H; Chong YS; Broekman BFP; Magiati I; Karnani N; Pluess M; Meaney MJ, 2017. Positive maternal mental health during pregnancy associated with specific forms of adaptive development in early childhood: Evidence from a longitudinal study.  Dev Psychopathol 29(5):1573-1587

O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ, 2017. Broader Focus Required to Understand the Effects of the Perinatal Environment on Child Neurodevelopment: Response to Bell and Chimata.  Am J Psychiatry 174(10):999-1000

Sakwinska O; Foata F; Berger B; Brüssow H; Combremont S; Mercenier A; Dogra S; Soh SE; Yen JCK; Heong GYS; Lee YS; Yap F; Meaney MJ; Chong YS; Godfrey KM; Holbrook JD, 2017. Does the maternal vaginal microbiota play a role in seeding the microbiota of neonatal gut and nose?  Benef Microbes 8(5):763-778

Parent C; Nguyen HB; Wen X; Diorio J; Meaney MJ; Zhang TY, 2017. Maternal care modulates the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide through differences in glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity in the rat.  Brain Behav Immun 65:239-250

Teh AL; Pan H; Lin X; Lim YI; Patro CP; Cheong CY; Gong M; MacIsaac JL; Kwoh CK; Meaney MJ; Kobor MS; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Holbrook JD; Karnani N, 2016. Comparison of Methyl-capture Sequencing vs. Infinium 450K methylation array for methylome analysis in clinical samples.  Epigenetics 11(1):36-48

Chong MF; Ayob MN; Chong KJ; Tai ES; Khoo CM; Leow MK; Lee YS; Tham KW; Venkataraman K; Meaney MJ; Wee HL; Khoo EY, 2016. Psychometric analysis of an eating behaviour questionnaire for an overweight and obese Chinese population in Singapore.  Appetite 101:119-24

Oros Klein K; Grinek S; Bernatsky S; Bouchard L; Ciampi A; Colmegna I; Fortin JP; Gao L; Hivert MF; Hudson M; Kobor MS; Labbe A; MacIsaac JL; Meaney MJ; Morin AM; O'Donnell KJ; Pastinen T; Van Ijzendoorn MH; Voisin G; Greenwood CM, 2016. funtooNorm: an R package for normalization of DNA methylation data when there are multiple cell or tissue types.  Bioinformatics 32(4):593-5

Anacker C; Scholz J; O'Donnell KJ; Allemang-Grand R; Diorio J; Bagot RC; Nestler EJ; Hen R; Lerch JP; Meaney MJ, 2016. Neuroanatomic Differences Associated With Stress Susceptibility and Resilience.  Biol Psychiatry 79(10):840-849

Turecki G; Meaney MJ, 2016. Effects of the Social Environment and Stress on Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Methylation: A Systematic Review.  Biol Psychiatry 79(2):87-96

Silveira PP; Gaudreau H; Atkinson L; Fleming AS; Sokolowski MB; Steiner M; Kennedy JL; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD; Dubé L, 2016. Genetic Differential Susceptibility to Socioeconomic Status and Childhood Obesogenic Behavior: Why Targeted Prevention May Be the Best Societal Investment.  JAMA Pediatr 170(4):359-64

Buschdorf JP; Ong ML; Ong SX; MacIsaac JL; Chng K; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Holbrook JD, 2016. Low birth weight associates with hippocampal gene expression.  Neuroscience 318:190-205

Soe NN; Wen DJ; Poh JS; Li Y; Broekman BF; Chen H; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ; Rifkin-Graboi A; Qiu A, 2016. Pre- and Post-Natal Maternal Depressive Symptoms in Relation with Infant Frontal Function, Connectivity, and Behaviors.  PLoS One 11(4):e0152991

Tham EK; Tan J; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Teoh OH; Goh DY; Meaney MJ; Broekman BF, 2016. Associations between poor subjective prenatal sleep quality and postnatal depression and anxiety symptoms.  J Affect Disord 202:91-4

Meaney MJ, 2016. Mother nurture and the social definition of neurodevelopment.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(22):6094-6

Agranonik M; Portella AK; Hamilton J; Fleming AS; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD; Silveira PP, 2016. Breastfeeding in the 21st century.  Lancet 387(10033):2088-2089

Silveira PP; Meaney MJ; Dubé L, 2016. DRD4, Income, and Children's Food Choices: Plasticity Allele or Different Opportunities?-Reply.  JAMA Pediatr 170(8):810-1

Padmapriya N; Bernard JY; Liang S; Loy SL; Shen Z; Kwek K; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Chong YS; Saw SM; Meaney MJ; Chen H; Müller-Riemenschneider F, 2016. Association of physical activity and sedentary behavior with depression and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy in a multiethnic cohort of Asian women.  Arch Womens Ment Health 19(6):1119-1128


Cai S; Qiu A; Broekman BF; Wong EQ; Gluckman PD; Godfrey KM; Saw SM; Soh SE; Kwek K; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Kramer MS; Rifkin-Graboi A, 2016. The Influence of Gestational Diabetes on Neurodevelopment of Children in the First Two Years of Life: A Prospective Study.  PLoS One 11(9):e0162113

Sawada N; Gagné FM; Séguin L; Kramer MS; McNamara H; Platt RW; Goulet L; Meaney MJ; Lydon JE, 2015. Maternal prenatal felt security and infant health at birth interact to predict infant fussing and crying at 12 months postpartum.  Health Psychol 34(8):811-9

Bouvette-Turcot AA; Fleming AS; Wazana A; Sokolowski MB; Gaudreau H; Gonzalez A; Deslauriers J; Kennedy JL; Steiner M; Meaney MJ, 2015. Maternal childhood adversity and child temperament: an association moderated by child 5-HTTLPR genotype.  Genes Brain Behav 14(3):229-37

Cai S; Pang WW; Low YL; Sim LW; Sam SC; Bruntraeger MB; Wong EQ; Fok D; Broekman BF; Singh L; Richmond J; Agarwal P; Qiu A; Saw SM; Yap F; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Kramer MS; Rifkin-Graboi A, 2015. Infant feeding effects on early neurocognitive development in Asian children.  Am J Clin Nutr 101(2):326-36

Chen L; Pan H; Tuan TA; Teh AL; MacIsaac JL; Mah SM; McEwen LM; Li Y; Chen H; Broekman BF; Buschdorf JP; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Rifkin-Graboi A; Kobor MS; Qiu A; Meaney MJ; Holbrook JD, 2015. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism influences the association of the methylome with maternal anxiety and neonatal brain volumes.  Dev Psychopathol 27(1):137-50

Nguyen HB; Bagot RC; Diorio J; Wong TP; Meaney MJ, 2015. Maternal care differentially affects neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus.  Neuropsychopharmacology 40(7):1590-9

Qiu A; Tuan TA; Ong ML; Li Y; Chen H; Rifkin-Graboi A; Broekman BF; Kwek K; Saw SM; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Holbrook JD; Meaney MJ, 2015. COMT haplotypes modulate associations of antenatal maternal anxiety and neonatal cortical morphology.  Am J Psychiatry 172(2):163-72

Levitan RD; Rivera J; Silveira PP; Steiner M; Gaudreau H; Hamilton J; Kennedy JL; Davis C; Dube L; Fellows L; Wazana A; Matthews S; Meaney MJ, 2015. Gender differences in the association between stop-signal reaction times, body mass indices and/or spontaneous food intake in pre-school children: an early model of compromised inhibitory control and obesity.  Int J Obes (Lond) 39(4):614-9

Plamondon A; Akbari E; Atkinson L; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Fleming AS, 2015. Spatial working memory and attention skills are predicted by maternal stress during pregnancy.  Early Hum Dev 91(1):23-9

Jonas W; Atkinson L; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Wazana A; Fleming AS, 2015. Breastfeeding and maternal sensitivity predict early infant temperament.  Acta Paediatr 104(7):678-86

Pennestri MH; Moss E; O'Donnell K; Lecompte V; Bouvette-Turcot AA; Atkinson L; Minde K; Gruber R; Fleming AS; Meaney MJ; Gaudreau H, 2015. Establishment and consolidation of the sleep-wake cycle as a function of attachment pattern.  Attach Hum Dev 17(1):23-42

Singh L; Fu CS; Rahman AA; Hameed WB; Sanmugam S; Agarwal P; Jiang B; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Rifkin-Graboi A, 2015. Back to basics: a bilingual advantage in infant visual habituation.  Child Dev 86(1):294-302

Yehuda R; Flory JD; Bierer LM; Henn-Haase C; Lehrner A; Desarnaud F; Makotkine I; Daskalakis NP; Marmar CR; Meaney MJ, 2015. Lower methylation of glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter 1F in peripheral blood of veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder.  Biol Psychiatry 77(4):356-64

Qiu A; Anh TT; Li Y; Chen H; Rifkin-Graboi A; Broekman BF; Kwek K; Saw SM; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ, 2015. Prenatal maternal depression alters amygdala functional connectivity in 6-month-old infants.  Transl Psychiatry 5:e508

Machado TD; Salum GA; Bosa VL; Goldani MZ; Meaney MJ; Agranonik M; Manfro GG; Silveira PP, 2015. Early life trauma is associated with decreased peripheral levels of thyroid-hormone T3 in adolescents.  Int J Dev Neurosci 47(Pt B):304-8

Rifkin-Graboi A; Meaney MJ; Chen H; Bai J; Hameed WB; Tint MT; Broekman BF; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Qiu A, 2015. Antenatal maternal anxiety predicts variations in neural structures implicated in anxiety disorders in newborns.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 54(4):313-21.e2

Poh JS; Li Y; Ratnarajah N; Fortier MV; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2015. Developmental synchrony of thalamocortical circuits in the neonatal brain.  Neuroimage 116:168-76

Buschdorf JP; Meaney MJ, 2015. Epigenetics/Programming in the HPA Axis.  Compr Physiol 6(1):87-110

Rifkin-Graboi A; Kong L; Sim LW; Sanmugam S; Broekman BF; Chen H; Wong E; Kwek K; Saw SM; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Pederson D; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2015. Maternal sensitivity, infant limbic structure volume and functional connectivity: a preliminary study.  Transl Psychiatry 5:e668

Quah PL; Chan YH; Aris IM; Pang WW; Toh JY; Tint MT; Broekman BF; Saw SM; Kwek K; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Yap FK; van Dam RM; Lee YS; Chong MF, 2015. Prospective associations of appetitive traits at 3 and 12 months of age with body mass index and weight gain in the first 2 years of life.  BMC Pediatr 15:153

Wazana A; Moss E; Jolicoeur-Martineau A; Graffi J; Tsabari G; Lecompte V; Pascuzzo K; Babineau V; Gordon-Green C; Mileva V; Atkinson L; Minde K; Bouvette-Turcot AA; Sassi R; St-André M; Carrey N; Matthews S; Sokolowski M; Lydon J; Gaudreau H; Steiner M; Kennedy JL; Fleming A; Levitan R; Meaney MJ, 2015. The interplay of birth weight, dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4), and early maternal care in the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age.  Dev Psychopathol 27(4 Pt 1):1145-61

Zhou Y; Aris IM; Tan SS; Cai S; Tint MT; Krishnaswamy G; Meaney MJ; Godfrey KM; Kwek K; Gluckman PD; Chong YS; Yap F; Lek N; Gooley JJ; Lee YS, 2015. Sleep duration and growth outcomes across the first two years of life in the GUSTO study.  Sleep Med 16(10):1281-6

Pennestri MH; Gaudreau H; Bouvette-Turcot AA; Moss E; Lecompte V; Atkinson L; Lydon J; Steiner M; Meaney MJ, 2015. Attachment disorganization among children in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Preliminary results.  Early Hum Dev 91(10):601-6

Bouvette-Turcot AA; Pluess M; Bernier A; Pennestri MH; Levitan R; Sokolowski MB; Kennedy JL; Minde K; Steiner M; Pokhvisneva I; Meaney MJ; Gaudreau H, 2015. Effects of Genotype and Sleep on Temperament.  Pediatrics 136(4):e914-21

Chong MF; Ong YL; Calder PC; Colega M; Wong JX; Tan CS; Lim AL; Fisk HL; Cai S; Pang WW; Broekman BF; Saw SM; Kwek K; Godfrey KM; Chong YS; Gluckman P; Meaney MJ; Chen H, 2015. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid status during pregnancy and maternal mental health in pregnancy and the postpartum period: results from the GUSTO study.  J Clin Psychiatry 76(7):e848-56

Magiati I; Goh DA; Lim SJ; Gan DZ; Leong JC; Allison C; Baron-Cohen S; Rifkin-Graboi A; Broekman BF; Saw SM; Chong YS; Kwek K; Gluckman PD; Lim SB; Meaney MJ, 2015. The psychometric properties of the Quantitative-Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT) as a measure of autistic traits in a community sample of Singaporean infants and toddlers.  Mol Autism 6:40

Pan H; Lin X; Wu Y; Chen L; Teh AL; Soh SE; Lee YS; Tint MT; MacIsaac JL; Morin AM; Tan KH; Yap F; Saw SM; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Godfrey KM; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Karnani N; Holbrook JD, 2015. HIF3A association with adiposity: the story begins before birth.  Epigenomics 7(6):937-50

Farré P; Jones MJ; Meaney MJ; Emberly E; Turecki G; Kobor MS, 2015. Concordant and discordant DNA methylation signatures of aging in human blood and brain.  Epigenetics Chromatin 8:19

Lillycrop KA; Costello PM; Teh AL; Murray RJ; Clarke-Harris R; Barton SJ; Garratt ES; Ngo S; Sheppard AM; Wong J; Dogra S; Burdge GC; Cooper C; Inskip HM; Gale CR; Gluckman PD; Harvey NC; Chong YS; Yap F; Meaney MJ; Rifkin-Graboi A; Holbrook JD; Godfrey KM, 2015. Association between perinatal methylation of the neuronal differentiation regulator HES1 and later childhood neurocognitive function and behaviour.  Int J Epidemiol 44(4):1263-76

Reis RS; Bernardi JR; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD; Silveira PP, 2015. Poor infant inhibitory control predicts food fussiness in childhood - A possible protective role of n-3 PUFAs for vulnerable children.  Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 97:21-5

Zhong J; Rifkin-Graboi A; Ta AT; Yap KL; Chuang KH; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2014. Functional networks in parallel with cortical development associate with executive functions in children.  Cereb Cortex 24(7):1937-47

Chong MF; Wong JX; Colega M; Chen LW; van Dam RM; Tan CS; Lim AL; Cai S; Broekman BF; Lee YS; Saw SM; Kwek K; Godfrey KM; Chong YS; Gluckman P; Meaney MJ; Chen H, 2014. Relationships of maternal folate and vitamin B12 status during pregnancy with perinatal depression: The GUSTO study.  J Psychiatr Res 55:110-6

Adedinsewo DA; Fleming AS; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Girard AW, 2014. Maternal anxiety and breastfeeding: findings from the MAVAN (Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment) Study.  J Hum Lact 30(1):102-9

Silveira PP; Portella AK; Kennedy JL; Gaudreau H; Davis C; Steiner M; Soares CN; Matthews SG; Sokolowski MB; Dubé L; Loucks EB; Hamilton J; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD, 2014. Association between the seven-repeat allele of the dopamine-4 receptor gene (DRD4) and spontaneous food intake in pre-school children.  Appetite 73:15-22

Aris IM; Soh SE; Tint MT; Liang S; Chinnadurai A; Saw SM; Rajadurai VS; Kwek K; Meaney MJ; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Yap FK; Chong YS; Lee YS, 2014. Effect of maternal glycemia on neonatal adiposity in a multiethnic Asian birth cohort.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab 99(1):240-7

Broekman BF; Chan YH; Chong YS; Kwek K; Cohen SS; Haley CL; Chen H; Chee C; Rifkin-Graboi A; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ; Saw SM, 2014. The influence of anxiety and depressive symptoms during pregnancy on birth size.  Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 28(2):116-26

Neuwald MF; Agranonik M; Portella AK; Fleming A; Wazana A; Steiner M; Levitan RD; Meaney MJ; Silveira PP, 2014. Transgenerational effects of maternal care interact with fetal growth and influence attention skills at 18 months of age.  Early Hum Dev 90(5):241-6

Teh AL; Pan H; Chen L; Ong ML; Dogra S; Wong J; MacIsaac JL; Mah SM; McEwen LM; Saw SM; Godfrey KM; Chong YS; Kwek K; Kwoh CK; Soh SE; Chong MF; Barton S; Karnani N; Cheong CY; Buschdorf JP; Stünkel W; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Gluckman PD; Holbrook JD, 2014. The effect of genotype and in utero environment on interindividual variation in neonate DNA methylomes.  Genome Res 24(7):1064-74

Wendland BE; Atkinson L; Steiner M; Fleming AS; Pencharz P; Moss E; Gaudreau H; Silveira PP; Arenovich T; Matthews SG; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD, 2014. Low maternal sensitivity at 6 months of age predicts higher BMI in 48 month old girls but not boys.  Appetite 82:97-102

Ong ML; Tan PY; MacIsaac JL; Mah SM; Buschdorf JP; Cheong CY; Stunkel W; Chan L; Gluckman PD; Chng K; Kobor MS; Meaney MJ; Holbrook JD, 2014. Infinium monkeys: Infinium 450K array for the Cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis).  G3 (Bethesda) 4(7):1227-34

Escobar RS; O'Donnell KA; Colalillo S; Pawlby S; Steiner M; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD; Silveira PP, 2014. Better quality of mother-child interaction at 4 years of age decreases emotional overeating in IUGR girls.  Appetite 81:337-42

O'Donnell KA; Gaudreau H; Colalillo S; Steiner M; Atkinson L; Moss E; Goldberg S; Karama S; Matthews SG; Lydon JE; Silveira PP; Wazana AD; Levitan RD; Sokolowski MB; Kennedy JL; Fleming A; Meaney MJ, 2014. The maternal adversity, vulnerability and neurodevelopment project: theory and methodology.  Can J Psychiatry 59(9):497-508

Cheong CY; Chng K; Lim MK; Amrithraj AI; Joseph R; Sukarieh R; Chee Tan Y; Chan L; Tan JH; Chen L; Pan H; Holbrook JD; Meaney MJ; Seng Chong Y; Gluckman PD; Stünkel W, 2014. Alterations to DNA methylation and expression of CXCL14 are associated with suboptimal birth outcomes.  J Hum Genet 59(9):504-11

Weaver IC; Hellstrom IC; Brown SE; Andrews SD; Dymov S; Diorio J; Zhang TY; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2014. The methylated-DNA binding protein MBD2 enhances NGFI-A (egr-1)-mediated transcriptional activation of the glucocorticoid receptor.  Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 369.

Soh SE; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Meaney MJ; Gluckman PD; Holbrook JD; Godfrey KM, 2014. Insights from the Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) cohort study.  Ann Nutr Metab 64(3-4):218-25

Broekman BF; Wang C; Li Y; Rifkin-Graboi A; Saw SM; Chong YS; Kwek K; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2014. Gestational age and neonatal brain microstructure in term born infants: a birth cohort study.  PLoS One 9(12):e115229

Yehuda R; Daskalakis NP; Lehrner A; Desarnaud F; Bader HN; Makotkine I; Flory JD; Bierer LM; Meaney MJ, 2014. Influences of maternal and paternal PTSD on epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in Holocaust survivor offspring.  Am J Psychiatry 171(8):872-880

Anacker C; O'Donnell KJ; Meaney MJ, 2014. Early life adversity and the epigenetic programming of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function.  Dialogues Clin Neurosci 16(3):321-33

Qiu A; Fortier MV; Bai J; Zhang X; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ, 2013. Morphology and microstructure of subcortical structures at birth: a large-scale Asian neonatal neuroimaging study.  Neuroimage 65:315-23

Lovic V; Belay H; Walker CD; Burton CL; Meaney MJ; Sokolowski M; Fleming AS, 2013. Early postnatal experience and DRD2 genotype affect dopamine receptor expression in the rat ventral striatum.  Behav Brain Res 237:278-82

Parent CI; Del Corpo A; Cameron NM; Meaney MJ, 2013. Maternal care associates with play dominance rank among adult female rats.  Dev Psychobiol 55(7):745-56

Zhang TY; Labonté B; Wen XL; Turecki G; Meaney MJ, 2013. Epigenetic mechanisms for the early environmental regulation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene expression in rodents and humans.  Neuropsychopharmacology 38(1):111-23

Prior KM; Meaney MJ; Cameron NM, 2013. Variations in maternal care associated with differences in female rat reproductive behavior in a group-mating environment.  Dev Psychobiol 55(8):838-48

Lindeyer CM; Meaney MJ; Reader SM, 2013. Early maternal care predicts reliance on social learning about food in adult rats.  Dev Psychobiol 55(2):168-75

Labonté B; Suderman M; Maussion G; Lopez JP; Navarro-Sánchez L; Yerko V; Mechawar N; Szyf M; Meaney MJ; Turecki G, 2013. Genome-wide methylation changes in the brains of suicide completers.  Am J Psychiatry 170(5):511-20

Ratnarajah N; Rifkin-Graboi A; Fortier MV; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2013. Structural connectivity asymmetry in the neonatal brain.  Neuroimage 75:187-194

Qiu A; Rifkin-Graboi A; Chen H; Chong YS; Kwek K; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ, 2013. Maternal anxiety and infants' hippocampal development: timing matters.  Transl Psychiatry 3:e306

Lee Y; Chong MF; Liu JC; Libedinsky C; Gooley JJ; Chen S; Wu T; Tan V; Zhou M; Meaney MJ; Lee YS; Chee MW, 2013. Dietary disinhibition modulates neural valuation of food in the fed and fasted states.  Am J Clin Nutr 97(5):919-25

Ong SX; Chng K; Meaney MJ; Buschdorf JP, 2013. Decreased hippocampal mineralocorticoid:glucocorticoid receptor ratio is associated with low birth weight in female cynomolgus macaque neonates.  J Mol Endocrinol 51(1):59-67

Braithwaite EC; Ramchandani PG; O'Connor TG; van Ijzendoorn MH; Bakermans-Kranenburg MJ; Glover V; Netsi E; Evans J; Meaney MJ; Murphy SE, 2013. No moderating effect of 5-HTTLPR on associations between antenatal anxiety and infant behavior.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 52(5):519-26

Mileva-Seitz V; Steiner M; Atkinson L; Meaney MJ; Levitan R; Kennedy JL; Sokolowski MB; Fleming AS, 2013. Interaction between oxytocin genotypes and early experience predicts quality of mothering and postpartum mood.  PLoS One 8(4):e61443

Jonas W; Mileva-Seitz V; Girard AW; Bisceglia R; Kennedy JL; Sokolowski M; Meaney MJ; Fleming AS; Steiner M, 2013. Genetic variation in oxytocin rs2740210 and early adversity associated with postpartum depression and breastfeeding duration.  Genes Brain Behav 12(7):681-94

Rifkin-Graboi A; Bai J; Chen H; Hameed WB; Sim LW; Tint MT; Leutscher-Broekman B; Chong YS; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2013. Prenatal maternal depression associates with microstructure of right amygdala in neonates at birth.  Biol Psychiatry 74(11):837-44

Kramer MS; Lydon J; Goulet L; Kahn S; Dahhou M; Platt RW; Sharma S; Meaney MJ; Séguin L, 2013. Maternal stress/distress, hormonal pathways and spontaneous preterm birth.  Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 27(3):237-46

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Bodnoff SR; Iny LJ; Tatarewicz JE; Sapolsky RM, 2013. Early postnatal handling alters glucocorticoid receptor concentrations in selected brain regions.  Behav Neurosci 127(5):637-41

Yehuda R; Daskalakis NP; Desarnaud F; Makotkine I; Lehrner AL; Koch E; Flory JD; Buxbaum JD; Meaney MJ; Bierer LM, 2013. Epigenetic Biomarkers as Predictors and Correlates of Symptom Improvement Following Psychotherapy in Combat Veterans with PTSD.  Front Psychiatry 4:118

Phua DY; Rifkin-Graboi A; Saw SM; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2012. Executive functions of six-year-old boys with normal birth weight and gestational age.  PLoS One 7(4):e36502

van Hasselt FN; Cornelisse S; Zhang TY; Meaney MJ; Velzing EH; Krugers HJ; Joëls M, 2012. Adult hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expression and dentate synaptic plasticity correlate with maternal care received by individuals early in life.  Hippocampus 22(2):255-66

Qiu A; Rifkin-Graboi A; Zhong J; Phua DY; Lai YK; Meaney MJ, 2012. Birth weight and gestation influence striatal morphology and motor response in normal six-year-old boys.  Neuroimage 59(2):1065-70

Silveira PP; Agranonik M; Faras H; Portella AK; Meaney MJ; Levitan RD, 2012. Preliminary evidence for an impulsivity-based thrifty eating phenotype.  Pediatr Res 71(3):293-8

Connor KL; Vickers MH; Beltrand J; Meaney MJ; Sloboda DM, 2012. Nature, nurture or nutrition? Impact of maternal nutrition on maternal care, offspring development and reproductive function.  J Physiol 590(9):2167-80

Labonte B; Yerko V; Gross J; Mechawar N; Meaney MJ; Szyf M; Turecki G, 2012. Differential glucocorticoid receptor exon 1(B), 1(C), and 1(H) expression and methylation in suicide completers with a history of childhood abuse.  Biol Psychiatry 72(1):41-8

Bagot RC; Tse YC; Nguyen HB; Wong AS; Meaney MJ; Wong TP, 2012. Maternal care influences hippocampal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function and dynamic regulation by corticosterone in adulthood.  Biol Psychiatry 72(6):491-8

Bai J; Abdul-Rahman MF; Rifkin-Graboi A; Chong YS; Kwek K; Saw SM; Godfrey KM; Gluckman PD; Fortier MV; Meaney MJ; Qiu A, 2012. Population differences in brain morphology and microstructure among Chinese, Malay, and Indian neonates.  PLoS One 7(10):e47816

Mileva-Seitz V; Fleming AS; Meaney MJ; Mastroianni A; Sinnwell JP; Steiner M; Atkinson L; Levitan RD; Matthews SG; Kennedy JL; Sokolowski MB, 2012. Dopamine receptors D1 and D2 are related to observed maternal behavior.  Genes Brain Behav 11(6):684-94

Qiu A; Rifkin-Graboi A; Tuan TA; Zhong J; Meaney MJ, 2012. Inattention and hyperactivity predict alterations in specific neural circuits among 6-year-old boys.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 51(6):632-41

Labonté B; Suderman M; Maussion G; Navaro L; Yerko V; Mahar I; Bureau A; Mechawar N; Szyf M; Meaney MJ; Turecki G, 2012. Genome-wide epigenetic regulation by early-life trauma.  Arch Gen Psychiatry 69(7):722-31

Stünkel W; Pan H; Chew SB; Tng E; Tan JH; Chen L; Joseph R; Cheong CY; Ong ML; Lee YS; Chong YS; Saw SM; Meaney MJ; Kwek K; Sheppard AM; Gluckman PD; Holbrook JD, 2012. Transcriptome changes affecting Hedgehog and cytokine signalling in the umbilical cord: implications for disease risk.  PLoS One 7(7):e39744

Hellstrom IC; Dhir SK; Diorio JC; Meaney MJ, 2012. Maternal licking regulates hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor transcription through a thyroid hormone-serotonin-NGFI-A signalling cascade.  Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 367(1601):2495-510

Pan H; Chen L; Dogra S; Teh AL; Tan JH; Lim YI; Lim YC; Jin S; Lee YK; Ng PY; Ong ML; Barton S; Chong YS; Meaney MJ; Gluckman PD; Stunkel W; Ding C; Holbrook JD, 2012. Measuring the methylome in clinical samples: improved processing of the Infinium Human Methylation450 BeadChip Array.  Epigenetics 7(10):1173-87

Bagot RC; Zhang TY; Wen X; Nguyen TT; Nguyen HB; Diorio J; Wong TP; Meaney MJ, 2012. Variations in postnatal maternal care and the epigenetic regulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 expression and hippocampal function in the rat.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 Suppl 2:17200-7

Suderman M; McGowan PO; Sasaki A; Huang TC; Hallett MT; Meaney MJ; Turecki G; Szyf M, 2012. Conserved epigenetic sensitivity to early life experience in the rat and human hippocampus.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 Suppl 2:17266-72

Li LJ; Cheung CY; Ikram MK; Gluckman P; Meaney MJ; Chong YS; Kwek K; Wong TY; Saw SM, 2012. Blood pressure and retinal microvascular characteristics during pregnancy: Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) Study.  Hypertension 60(1):223-30

Caldji C; Hellstrom IC; Zhang TY; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2011. Environmental regulation of the neural epigenome.  FEBS Lett 585(13):2049-58

Mileva-Seitz V; Kennedy J; Atkinson L; Steiner M; Levitan R; Matthews SG; Meaney MJ; Sokolowski MB; Fleming AS, 2011. Serotonin transporter allelic variation in mothers predicts maternal sensitivity, behavior and attitudes toward 6-month-old infants.  Genes Brain Behav 10(3):325-33

Cameron NM; Soehngen E; Meaney MJ, 2011. Variation in maternal care influences ventromedial hypothalamus activation in the rat.  J Neuroendocrinol 23(5):393-400

McGowan PO; Suderman M; Sasaki A; Huang TC; Hallett M; Meaney MJ; Szyf M, 2011. Broad epigenetic signature of maternal care in the brain of adult rats.  PLoS One 6(2):e14739

Belay H; Burton CL; Lovic V; Meaney MJ; Sokolowski M; Fleming AS, 2011. Early adversity and serotonin transporter genotype interact with hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression, corticosterone, and behavior in adult male rats.  Behav Neurosci 125(2):150-60

Ernst C; Nagy C; Kim S; Yang JP; Deng X; Hellstrom IC; Choi KH; Gershenfeld H; Meaney MJ; Turecki G, 2011. Dysfunction of astrocyte connexins 30 and 43 in dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex of suicide completers.  Biol Psychiatry 70(4):312-9

Wei L; Meaney MJ; Duman RS; Kaffman A, 2011. Affiliative behavior requires juvenile, but not adult neurogenesis.  J Neurosci 31(40):14335-45

Lester BM; Tronick E; Nestler E; Abel T; Kosofsky B; Kuzawa CW; Marsit CJ; Maze I; Meaney MJ; Monteggia LM; Reul JM; Skuse DH; Sweatt JD; Wood MA, 2011. Behavioral epigenetics.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 1226:14-33

Broekman BF; Chan YH; Goh L; Fung D; Gluckman PD; Saw SM; Meaney MJ, 2011. Influence of birth weight on internalizing traits modulated by serotonergic genes.  Pediatrics 128(5):e1250-8

Meaney MJ; Ferguson-Smith AC, 2010. Epigenetic regulation of the neural transcriptome: the meaning of the marks.  Nat Neurosci 13(11):1313-8

Zhang TY; Hellstrom IC; Bagot RC; Wen X; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2010. Maternal care and DNA methylation of a glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 promoter in rat hippocampus.  J Neurosci 30(39):13130-7

Hackman DA; Farah MJ; Meaney MJ, 2010. Socioeconomic status and the brain: mechanistic insights from human and animal research.  Nat Rev Neurosci 11(9):651-9

Kappeler L; Meaney MJ, 2010. Epigenetics and parental effects.  Bioessays 32(9):818-27

Kramer MS; Lydon J; Séguin L; Goulet L; Kahn SR; McNamara H; Genest J; Sharma S; Meaney MJ; Libman M; Dahhou M; Platt RW, 2010. Non-stress-related factors associated with maternal corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) concentration.  Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 24(4):390-7

Kappeler L; Meaney MJ, 2010. Enriching stress research.  Cell 142(1):15-7

Meaney MJ, 2010. Epigenetics and the biological definition of gene x environment interactions.  Child Dev 81(1):41-79

Shahrokh DK; Zhang TY; Diorio J; Gratton A; Meaney MJ, 2010. Oxytocin-dopamine interactions mediate variations in maternal behavior in the rat.  Endocrinology 151(5):2276-86

Almeida ND; Loucks EB; Kubzansky L; Pruessner J; Maselko J; Meaney MJ; Buka SL, 2010. Quality of parental emotional care and calculated risk for coronary heart disease.  Psychosom Med 72(2):148-55

Zhang TY; Meaney MJ, 2010. Epigenetics and the environmental regulation of the genome and its function.  Annu Rev Psychol 61:439-66, C1-3

Bagot RC; Meaney MJ, 2010. Epigenetics and the biological basis of gene x environment interactions.  J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 49(8):752-71

King S; Mancini-Marïe A; Brunet A; Walker E; Meaney MJ; Laplante DP, 2009. Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts dermatoglyphic asymmetry in humans.  Dev Psychopathol 21(2):343-53

McGowan PO; Sasaki A; D'Alessio AC; Dymov S; Labonté B; Szyf M; Turecki G; Meaney MJ, 2009. Epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor in human brain associates with childhood abuse.  Nat Neurosci 12(3):342-8

Bagot RC; van Hasselt FN; Champagne DL; Meaney MJ; Krugers HJ; Joëls M, 2009. Maternal care determines rapid effects of stress mediators on synaptic plasticity in adult rat hippocampal dentate gyrus.  Neurobiol Learn Mem 92(3):292-300

Kramer MS; Lydon J; Séguin L; Goulet L; Kahn SR; McNamara H; Genest J; Dassa C; Chen MF; Sharma S; Meaney MJ; Thomson S; Van Uum S; Koren G; Dahhou M; Lamoureux J; Platt RW, 2009. Stress pathways to spontaneous preterm birth: the role of stressors, psychological distress, and stress hormones.  Am J Epidemiol 169(11):1319-26

Engert V; Joober R; Meaney MJ; Hellhammer DH; Pruessner JC, 2009. Behavioral response to methylphenidate challenge: influence of early life parental care.  Dev Psychobiol 51(5):408-16

Sng J; Meaney MJ, 2009. Environmental regulation of the neural epigenome.  Epigenomics 1(1):131-51

Broekman BF; Chan YH; Chong YS; Quek SC; Fung D; Low YL; Ooi YP; Gluckman PD; Meaney MJ; Wong TY; Saw SM, 2009. The influence of birth size on intelligence in healthy children.  Pediatrics 123(6):e1011-6

Kuroda KO; Meaney MJ; Uetani N; Kato T, 2008. Neurobehavioral basis of the impaired nurturing in mice lacking the immediate early gene FosB.  Brain Res 1211:57-71

Pruessner JC; Dedovic K; Khalili-Mahani N; Engert V; Pruessner M; Buss C; Renwick R; Dagher A; Meaney MJ; Lupien S, 2008. Deactivation of the limbic system during acute psychosocial stress: evidence from positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies.  Biol Psychiatry 63(2):234-40

Szyf M; McGowan P; Meaney MJ, 2008. The social environment and the epigenome.  Environ Mol Mutagen 49(1):46-60

Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2008. Epigenetics, behaviour, and health.  Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 4(1):37-49

Krystal JH; Carter CS; Geschwind D; Manji HK; March JS; Nestler EJ; Zubieta JK; Charney DS; Goldman D; Gur RE; Lieberman JA; Roy-Byrne P; Rubinow DR; Anderson SA; Barondes S; Berman KF; Blair J; Braff DL; Brown ES; Calabrese JR; Carlezon WA Jr; Cook EH Jr; Davidson RJ; Davis M; Desimone R; Drevets WC; Duman RS; Essock SM; Faraone SV; Freedman R; Friston KJ; Gelernter J; Geller B; Gill M; Gould E; Grace AA; Grillon C; Gueorguieva R; Hariri AR; Innis RB; Jones EG; Kleinman JE; Koob GF; Krystal AD; Leibenluft E; Levinson DF; Levitt PR; Lewis DA; Liberzon I; Lipska BK; Marder SR; Markou A; Mason GF; McDougle CJ; McEwen BS; McMahon FJ; Meaney MJ; Meltzer HY; Merikangas KR; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Mirnics K; Monteggia LM; Neumeister A; O'Brien CP; Owen MJ; Pine DS; Rapoport JL; Rauch SL; Robbins TW; Rosenbaum JF; Rosenberg DR; Ross CA; Rush AJ; Sackeim HA; Sanacora G; Schatzberg AF; Shaham Y; Siever LJ; Sunderland T; Tecott LH; Thase ME; Todd RD; Weissman MM; Yehuda R; Yoshikawa T; Young EA; McCandless R, 2008. It is time to take a stand for medical research and against terrorism targeting medical scientists.  Biol Psychiatry 63(8):725-7

Cameron NM; Fish EW; Meaney MJ, 2008. Maternal influences on the sexual behavior and reproductive success of the female rat.  Horm Behav 54(1):178-84

McGowan PO; Sasaki A; Huang TC; Unterberger A; Suderman M; Ernst C; Meaney MJ; Turecki G; Szyf M, 2008. Promoter-wide hypermethylation of the ribosomal RNA gene promoter in the suicide brain.  PLoS One 3(5):e2085

Cameron N; Del Corpo A; Diorio J; McAllister K; Sharma S; Meaney MJ, 2008. Maternal programming of sexual behavior and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal function in the female rat.  PLoS One 3(5):e2210

Cameron NM; Shahrokh D; Del Corpo A; Dhir SK; Szyf M; Champagne FA; Meaney MJ, 2008. Epigenetic programming of phenotypic variations in reproductive strategies in the rat through maternal care.  J Neuroendocrinol 20(6):795-801

Champagne DL; Bagot RC; van Hasselt F; Ramakers G; Meaney MJ; de Kloet ER; Joëls M; Krugers H, 2008. Maternal care and hippocampal plasticity: evidence for experience-dependent structural plasticity, altered synaptic functioning, and differential responsiveness to glucocorticoids and stress.  J Neurosci 28(23):6037-45

Brown SE; Weaver IC; Meaney MJ; Szyf M, 2008. Regional-specific global cytosine methylation and DNA methyltransferase expression in the adult rat hippocampus.  Neurosci Lett 440(1):49-53

Ernst C; McGowan PO; Deleva V; Meaney MJ; Szyf M; Turecki G, 2008. The effects of pH on DNA methylation state: In vitro and post-mortem brain studies.  J Neurosci Methods 174(1):123-5

McGowan PO; Meaney MJ; Szyf M, 2008. Diet and the epigenetic (re)programming of phenotypic differences in behavior.  Brain Res 1237:12-24

Parent CI; Meaney MJ, 2008. The influence of natural variations in maternal care on play fighting in the rat.  Dev Psychobiol 50(8):767-76

de Vries A; Holmes MC; Heijnis A; Seier JV; Heerden J; Louw J; Wolfe-Coote S; Meaney MJ; Levitt NS; Seckl JR, 2007. Prenatal dexamethasone exposure induces changes in nonhuman primate offspring cardiometabolic and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function.  J Clin Invest 117(4):1058-67

Léonhardt M; Matthews SG; Meaney MJ; Walker CD, 2007. Psychological stressors as a model of maternal adversity: diurnal modulation of corticosterone responses and changes in maternal behavior.  Horm Behav 51(1):77-88

Bredy TW; Brown RE; Meaney MJ, 2007. Effect of resource availability on biparental care, and offspring neural and behavioral development in the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus).  Eur J Neurosci 25(2):567-75

Weaver IC; D'Alessio AC; Brown SE; Hellstrom IC; Dymov S; Sharma S; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2007. The transcription factor nerve growth factor-inducible protein a mediates epigenetic programming: altering epigenetic marks by immediate-early genes.  J Neurosci 27(7):1756-68

Buss C; Lord C; Wadiwalla M; Hellhammer DH; Lupien SJ; Meaney MJ; Pruessner JC, 2007. Maternal care modulates the relationship between prenatal risk and hippocampal volume in women but not in men.  J Neurosci 27(10):2592-5

Kaffman A; Meaney MJ, 2007. Neurodevelopmental sequelae of postnatal maternal care in rodents: clinical and research implications of molecular insights.  J Child Psychol Psychiatry 48(3-4):224-44

Meaney MJ; Szyf M; Seckl JR, 2007. Epigenetic mechanisms of perinatal programming of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function and health.  Trends Mol Med 13(7):269-77

Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2007. Maternal programming of defensive responses through sustained effects on gene expression.  J Psychiatry Neurosci 32(4):275-84

Weaver SA; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2007. Maternal separation leads to persistent reductions in pain sensitivity in female rats.  J Pain 8(12):962-9

Kuroda KO; Meaney MJ; Uetani N; Fortin Y; Ponton A; Kato T, 2007. ERK-FosB signaling in dorsal MPOA neurons plays a major role in the initiation of parental behavior in mice.  Mol Cell Neurosci 36(2):121-31

Meaney MJ, 2007. Environmental programming of phenotypic diversity in female reproductive strategies.  Adv Genet 59:173-215

Champagne FA; Meaney MJ, 2007. Transgenerational effects of social environment on variations in maternal care and behavioral response to novelty.  Behav Neurosci 121(6):1353-63

Seckl JR; Meaney MJ, 2006. Glucocorticoid "programming" and PTSD risk.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 1071:351-78

Rowe WB; Kar S; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 2006. Neurotensin receptor levels as a function of brain aging and cognitive performance in the Morris water maze task in the rat.  Peptides 27(10):2415-23

Champagne FA; Weaver IC; Diorio J; Dymov S; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2006. Maternal care associated with methylation of the estrogen receptor-alpha1b promoter and estrogen receptor-alpha expression in the medial preoptic area of female offspring.  Endocrinology 147(6):2909-15

Zhang TY; Bagot R; Parent C; Nesbitt C; Bredy TW; Caldji C; Fish E; Anisman H; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2006. Maternal programming of defensive responses through sustained effects on gene expression.  Biol Psychol 73(1):72-89

Weaver IC; Meaney MJ; Szyf M, 2006. Maternal care effects on the hippocampal transcriptome and anxiety-mediated behaviors in the offspring that are reversible in adulthood.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(9):3480-5

Champagne FA; Meaney MJ, 2006. Stress during gestation alters postpartum maternal care and the development of the offspring in a rodent model.  Biol Psychiatry 59(12):1227-35

Kalynchuk LE; Pinel JP; Meaney MJ, 2006. Serotonin receptor binding and mRNA expression in the hippocampus of fearful amygdala-kindled rats.  Neurosci Lett 396(1):38-43

Plotsky PM; Thrivikraman KV; Nemeroff CB; Caldji C; Sharma S; Meaney MJ, 2005. Long-term consequences of neonatal rearing on central corticotropin-releasing factor systems in adult male rat offspring.  Neuropsychopharmacology 30(12):2192-204

Zhang TY; Chrétien P; Meaney MJ; Gratton A, 2005. Influence of naturally occurring variations in maternal care on prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle and the medial prefrontal cortical dopamine response to stress in adult rats.  J Neurosci 25(6):1493-502

Cameron NM; Champagne FA; Parent C; Fish EW; Ozaki-Kuroda K; Meaney MJ, 2005. The programming of individual differences in defensive responses and reproductive strategies in the rat through variations in maternal care.  Neurosci Biobehav Rev 29(4-5):843-65

Weaver IC; Champagne FA; Brown SE; Dymov S; Sharma S; Meaney MJ; Szyf M, 2005. Reversal of maternal programming of stress responses in adult offspring through methyl supplementation: altering epigenetic marking later in life.  J Neurosci 25(47):11045-54

Meaney MJ; Szyf M, 2005. Maternal care as a model for experience-dependent chromatin plasticity?  Trends Neurosci 28(9):456-63

Lupien SJ; Schwartz G; Ng YK; Fiocco A; Wan N; Pruessner JC; Meaney MJ; Nair NP, 2005. The Douglas Hospital Longitudinal Study of Normal and Pathological Aging: summary of findings.  J Psychiatry Neurosci 30(5):328-34

Meaney MJ; Szyf M, 2005. Environmental programming of stress responses through DNA methylation: life at the interface between a dynamic environment and a fixed genome.  Dialogues Clin Neurosci 7(2):103-23

Szyf M; Weaver IC; Champagne FA; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2005. Maternal programming of steroid receptor expression and phenotype through DNA methylation in the rat.  Front Neuroendocrinol 26(3-4):139-62

Viau V; Meaney MJ, 2004. Alpha1 adrenoreceptors mediate the stimulatory effects of oestrogen on stress-related hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in the female rat.  J Neuroendocrinol 16(1):72-8

Pruessner JC; Champagne F; Meaney MJ; Dagher A, 2004. Dopamine release in response to a psychological stress in humans and its relationship to early life maternal care: a positron emission tomography study using [11C]raclopride.  J Neurosci 24(11):2825-31

Brake WG; Zhang TY; Diorio J; Meaney MJ; Gratton A, 2004. Influence of early postnatal rearing conditions on mesocorticolimbic dopamine and behavioural responses to psychostimulants and stressors in adult rats.  Eur J Neurosci 19(7):1863-74

Caldji C; Diorio J; Anisman H; Meaney MJ, 2004. Maternal behavior regulates benzodiazepine/GABAA receptor subunit expression in brain regions associated with fear in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.  Neuropsychopharmacology 29(7):1344-52

Bredy TW; Lee AW; Meaney MJ; Brown RE, 2004. Effect of neonatal handling and paternal care on offspring cognitive development in the monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus).  Horm Behav 46(1):30-8

Viau V; Meaney MJ, 2004. Testosterone-dependent variations in plasma and intrapituitary corticosteroid binding globulin and stress hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in the male rat.  J Endocrinol 181(2):223-31

Champagne FA; Chretien P; Stevenson CW; Zhang TY; Gratton A; Meaney MJ, 2004. Variations in nucleus accumbens dopamine associated with individual differences in maternal behavior in the rat.  J Neurosci 24(17):4113-23

Weaver IC; Cervoni N; Champagne FA; D'Alessio AC; Sharma S; Seckl JR; Dymov S; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2004. Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior.  Nat Neurosci 7(8):847-54

Zhang TY; Parent C; Weaver I; Meaney MJ, 2004. Maternal programming of individual differences in defensive responses in the rat.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 1032:85-103

Fish EW; Shahrokh D; Bagot R; Caldji C; Bredy T; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2004. Epigenetic programming of stress responses through variations in maternal care.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 1036:167-80

Fries E; Moragues N; Caldji C; Hellhammer DH; Meaney MJ, 2004. Preliminary evidence of altered sensitivity to benzodiazepines as a function of maternal care in the rat.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 1032:320-3

Weaver IC; Diorio J; Seckl JR; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2004. Early environmental regulation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene expression: characterization of intracellular mediators and potential genomic target sites.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 1024:182-212

Seckl JR; Meaney MJ, 2004. Glucocorticoid programming.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 1032:63-84

Bredy TW; Zhang TY; Grant RJ; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2004. Peripubertal environmental enrichment reverses the effects of maternal care on hippocampal development and glutamate receptor subunit expression.  Eur J Neurosci 20(5):1355-62

Menard JL; Champagne DL; Meaney MJ, 2004. Variations of maternal care differentially influence 'fear' reactivity and regional patterns of cFos immunoreactivity in response to the shock-probe burying test.  Neuroscience 129(2):297-308

Champagne FA; Francis DD; Mar A; Meaney MJ, 2003. Variations in maternal care in the rat as a mediating influence for the effects of environment on development.  Physiol Behav 79(3):359-71

Bredy TW; Humpartzoomian RA; Cain DP; Meaney MJ, 2003. Partial reversal of the effect of maternal care on cognitive function through environmental enrichment.  Neuroscience 118(2):571-6

Caldji C; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2003. Variations in maternal care alter GABA(A) receptor subunit expression in brain regions associated with fear.  Neuropsychopharmacology 28(11):1950-9

Champagne FA; Weaver IC; Diorio J; Sharma S; Meaney MJ, 2003. Natural variations in maternal care are associated with estrogen receptor alpha expression and estrogen sensitivity in the medial preoptic area.  Endocrinology 144(11):4720-4

Rowe WB; O'Donnell JP; Pearson D; Rose GM; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 2003. Long-term effects of BIBN-99, a selective muscarinic M2 receptor antagonist, on improving spatial memory performance in aged cognitively impaired rats.  Behav Brain Res 145(1-2):171-8

Bredy TW; Grant RJ; Champagne DL; Meaney MJ, 2003. Maternal care influences neuronal survival in the hippocampus of the rat.  Eur J Neurosci 18(10):2903-9

Kalynchuk LE; Meaney MJ, 2003. Amygdala kindling increases fear responses and decreases glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression in hippocampal regions.  Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 27(8):1225-34

Weaver IC; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2002. From maternal care to gene expression: DNA methylation and the maternal programming of stress responses.  Endocr Res 28(4):699

Weaver IC; Grant RJ; Meaney MJ, 2002. Maternal behavior regulates long-term hippocampal expression of BAX and apoptosis in the offspring.  J Neurochem 82(4):998-1002

Francis DD; Diorio J; Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 2002. Environmental enrichment reverses the effects of maternal separation on stress reactivity.  J Neurosci 22(18):7840-3

Lupien SJ; Wilkinson CW; Brière S; Ng Ying Kin NM; Meaney MJ; Nair NP, 2002. Acute modulation of aged human memory by pharmacological manipulation of glucocorticoids.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87(8):3798-807

Kalynchuk LE; Meaney MJ; Kar S, 2002. Amygdala kindling decreases insulin-like growth factor-I receptor binding sites in the rat hippocampus.  Brain Res 935(1-2):118-23

Francis DD; Young LJ; Meaney MJ; Insel TR, 2002. Naturally occurring differences in maternal care are associated with the expression of oxytocin and vasopressin (V1a) receptors: gender differences.  J Neuroendocrinol 14(5):349-53

Yau JL; Noble J; Hibberd C; Rowe WB; Meaney MJ; Morris RG; Seckl JR, 2002. Chronic treatment with the antidepressant amitriptyline prevents impairments in water maze learning in aging rats.  J Neurosci 22(4):1436-42

Meaney MJ; Brake W; Gratton A, 2002. Environmental regulation of the development of mesolimbic dopamine systems: a neurobiological mechanism for vulnerability to drug abuse?  Psychoneuroendocrinology 27(1-2):127-38

Laplante P; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2002. Serotonin regulates hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expression via a 5-HT7 receptor.  Brain Res Dev Brain Res 139(2):199-203

Champagne F; Meaney MJ, 2001. Like mother, like daughter: evidence for non-genomic transmission of parental behavior and stress responsivity.  Prog Brain Res 133:287-302

Meaney MJ, 2001. Nature, nurture, and the disunity of knowledge.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 935:50-61

Meaney MJ, 2001. Maternal care, gene expression, and the transmission of individual differences in stress reactivity across generations.  Annu Rev Neurosci 24:1161-92

Lupien SJ; King S; Meaney MJ; McEwen BS, 2001. Can poverty get under your skin? basal cortisol levels and cognitive function in children from low and high socioeconomic status.  Dev Psychopathol 13(3):653-76

Shekhar A; McCann UD; Meaney MJ; Blanchard DC; Davis M; Frey KA; Liberzon I; Overall KL; Shear MK; Tecott LH; Winsky L, 2001. Summary of a National Institute of Mental Health workshop: developing animal models of anxiety disorders.  Psychopharmacology (Berl) 157(4):327-39

Weaver IC; La Plante P; Weaver S; Parent A; Sharma S; Diorio J; Chapman KE; Seckl JR; Szyf M; Meaney MJ, 2001. Early environmental regulation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene expression: characterization of intracellular mediators and potential genomic target sites.  Mol Cell Endocrinol 185(1-2):205-18

Huot RL; Thrivikraman KV; Meaney MJ; Plotsky PM, 2001. Development of adult ethanol preference and anxiety as a consequence of neonatal maternal separation in Long Evans rats and reversal with antidepressant treatment.  Psychopharmacology (Berl) 158(4):366-73

Champagne F; Diorio J; Sharma S; Meaney MJ, 2001. Naturally occurring variations in maternal behavior in the rat are associated with differences in estrogen-inducible central oxytocin receptors.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98(22):12736-41

Ladd CO; Huot RL; Thrivikraman KV; Nemeroff CB; Meaney MJ; Plotsky PM, 2000. Long-term behavioral and neuroendocrine adaptations to adverse early experience.  Prog Brain Res 122:81-103

Liu D; Caldji C; Sharma S; Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 2000. Influence of neonatal rearing conditions on stress-induced adrenocorticotropin responses and norepinepherine release in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus.  J Neuroendocrinol 12(1):5-12

Caldji C; Francis D; Sharma S; Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 2000. The effects of early rearing environment on the development of GABAA and central benzodiazepine receptor levels and novelty-induced fearfulness in the rat.  Neuropsychopharmacology 22(3):219-29

Weaver SA; Aherne FX; Meaney MJ; Schaefer AL; Dixon WT, 2000. Neonatal handling permanently alters hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal axis function, behaviour, and body weight in boars.  J Endocrinol 164(3):349-59

Brake WG; Flores G; Francis D; Meaney MJ; Srivastava LK; Gratton A, 2000. Enhanced nucleus accumbens dopamine and plasma corticosterone stress responses in adult rats with neonatal excitotoxic lesions to the medial prefrontal cortex.  Neuroscience 96(4):687-95

McCormick JA; Lyons V; Jacobson MD; Noble J; Diorio J; Nyirenda M; Weaver S; Ester W; Yau JL; Meaney MJ; Seckl JR; Chapman KE, 2000. 5'-heterogeneity of glucocorticoid receptor messenger RNA is tissue specific: differential regulation of variant transcripts by early-life events.  Mol Endocrinol 14(4):506-17

Meaney MJ; Diorio J; Francis D; Weaver S; Yau J; Chapman K; Seckl JR, 2000. Postnatal handling increases the expression of cAMP-inducible transcription factors in the rat hippocampus: the effects of thyroid hormones and serotonin.  J Neurosci 20(10):3926-35

Liu D; Diorio J; Day JC; Francis DD; Meaney MJ, 2000. Maternal care, hippocampal synaptogenesis and cognitive development in rats.  Nat Neurosci 3(8):799-806

Lupien SJ; King S; Meaney MJ; McEwen BS, 2000. Child's stress hormone levels correlate with mother's socioeconomic status and depressive state.  Biol Psychiatry 48(10):976-80

Francis DD; Champagne FC; Meaney MJ, 2000. Variations in maternal behaviour are associated with differences in oxytocin receptor levels in the rat.  J Neuroendocrinol 12(12):1145-8

Caldji C; Diorio J; Meaney MJ, 2000. Variations in maternal care in infancy regulate the development of stress reactivity.  Biol Psychiatry 48(12):1164-74

Kalynchuk LE; Pearson DM; Pinel JP; Meaney MJ, 1999. Effect of amygdala kindling on emotional behavior and benzodiazepine receptor binding in rats.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 877:737-41

Francis DD; Meaney MJ, 1999. Maternal care and the development of stress responses.  Curr Opin Neurobiol 9(1):128-34

McEwen BS; de Leon MJ; Lupien SJ; Meaney MJ, 1999. Corticosteroids, the Aging Brain and Cognition.  Trends Endocrinol Metab 10(3):92-96

Francis DD; Champagne FA; Liu D; Meaney MJ, 1999. Maternal care, gene expression, and the development of individual differences in stress reactivity.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 896:66-84

Francis D; Diorio J; Liu D; Meaney MJ, 1999. Nongenomic transmission across generations of maternal behavior and stress responses in the rat.  Science 286(5442):1155-8

Francis DD; Caldji C; Champagne F; Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 1999. The role of corticotropin-releasing factor--norepinephrine systems in mediating the effects of early experience on the development of behavioral and endocrine responses to stress.  Biol Psychiatry 46(9):1153-66

Lupien SJ; Nair NP; Brière S; Maheu F; Tu MT; Lemay M; McEwen BS; Meaney MJ, 1999. Increased cortisol levels and impaired cognition in human aging: implication for depression and dementia in later life.  Rev Neurosci 10(2):117-39

Lupien SJ; de Leon M; de Santi S; Convit A; Tarshish C; Nair NP; Thakur M; McEwen BS; Hauger RL; Meaney MJ, 1998. Cortisol levels during human aging predict hippocampal atrophy and memory deficits.  Nat Neurosci 1(1):69-73

Anisman H; Zaharia MD; Meaney MJ; Merali Z, 1998. Do early-life events permanently alter behavioral and hormonal responses to stressors?  Int J Dev Neurosci 16(3-4):149-64

McCormick JA; Lyons V; Noble J; Ester W; Meaney MJ; Seckl JR; Chapman KE, 1998. Tissue-specific differences in rat glucocorticoid receptor gene transcriptional regulation.  Biochem Soc Trans 26(3):S207

Caldji C; Tannenbaum B; Sharma S; Francis D; Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 1998. Maternal care during infancy regulates the development of neural systems mediating the expression of fearfulness in the rat.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95(9):5335-40

Rowe WB; Spreekmeester E; Meaney MJ; Quirion R; Rochford J, 1998. Reactivity to novelty in cognitively-impaired and cognitively-unimpaired aged rats and young rats.  Neuroscience 83(3):669-80

Kuchel GA; Rowe W; Meaney MJ; Richard C, 1997. Neurotrophin receptor and tyrosine hydroxylase gene expression in aged sympathetic neurons.  Neurobiol Aging 18(1):67-79

Tannenbaum B; Rowe W; Sharma S; Diorio J; Steverman A; Walker M; Meaney MJ, 1997. Dynamic variations in plasma corticosteroid-binding globulin and basal HPA activity following acute stress in adult rats.  J Neuroendocrinol 9(3):163-8

Rousse I; Beaulieu S; Rowe W; Meaney MJ; Barden N; Rochford J, 1997. Spatial memory in transgenic mice with impaired glucocorticoid receptor function.  Neuroreport 8(4):841-5

Lupien SJ; Gaudreau S; Tchiteya BM; Maheu F; Sharma S; Nair NP; Hauger RL; McEwen BS; Meaney MJ, 1997. Stress-induced declarative memory impairment in healthy elderly subjects: relationship to cortisol reactivity.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82(7):2070-5

Rowe WB; Nicot A; Sharma S; Gully D; Walker CD; Rostène WH; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 1997. Central administration of the neurotensin receptor antagonist, SR48692, modulates diurnal and stress-related hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity.  Neuroendocrinology 66(2):75-85

Rowe W; Steverman A; Walker M; Sharma S; Barden N; Seckl JR; Meaney MJ, 1997. Antidepressants restore hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal feedback function in aged, cognitively-impaired rats.  Neurobiol Aging 18(5):527-33

Tannenbaum BM; Brindley DN; Tannenbaum GS; Dallman MF; McArthur MD; Meaney MJ, 1997. High-fat feeding alters both basal and stress-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in the rat.  Am J Physiol 273(6):E1168-77

Liu D; Diorio J; Tannenbaum B; Caldji C; Francis D; Freedman A; Sharma S; Pearson D; Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 1997. Maternal care, hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress.  Science 277(5332):1659-62

Sarrieau A; O'Donnell D; Alonso R; Meaney MJ, 1996. Regulation of glucocorticosteroid receptor expression in rat hippocampal cell cultures by nerve growth factor.  Neurosci Lett 206(2-3):207-11

Smythe JW; McCormick CM; Meaney MJ, 1996. Median eminence corticotrophin-releasing hormone content following prenatal stress and neonatal handling.  Brain Res Bull 40(3):195-9

Lupien S; Lecours AR; Schwartz G; Sharma S; Hauger RL; Meaney MJ; Nair NP, 1996. Longitudinal study of basal cortisol levels in healthy elderly subjects: evidence for subgroups.  Neurobiol Aging 17(1):95-105

Meaney MJ; Diorio J; Francis D; Widdowson J; LaPlante P; Caldji C; Sharma S; Seckl JR; Plotsky PM, 1996. Early environmental regulation of forebrain glucocorticoid receptor gene expression: implications for adrenocortical responses to stress.  Dev Neurosci 18(1-2):49-72

Viau V; Sharma S; Meaney MJ, 1996. Changes in plasma adrenocorticotropin, corticosterone, corticosteroid-binding globulin, and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor occupancy/translocation in rat pups in response to stress.  J Neuroendocrinol 8(1):1-8

Viau V; Meaney MJ, 1996. The inhibitory effect of testosterone on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress is mediated by the medial preoptic area.  J Neurosci 16(5):1866-76

Bhatnagar S; Shanks N; Meaney MJ, 1996. Plaque-forming cell responses and antibody titers following injection of sheep red blood cells in nonstressed, acute, and/or chronically stressed handled and nonhandled animals.  Dev Psychobiol 29(2):171-81

Landfield PW; McEwan BS; Sapolsky RM; Meaney MJ, 1996. Hippocampal cell death.  Science 272(5266):1249-51

Landfield PW; McEwen BS; Sapolsky RM; Meaney MJ, 1996. Hippocampal cell death.  Science 272(5266):1249b-51b

Le Jeune H; Cécyre D; Rowe W; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 1996. Ionotropic glutamate receptor subtypes in the aged memory-impaired and unimpaired Long-Evans rat.  Neuroscience 74(2):349-63

Francis D; Diorio J; LaPlante P; Weaver S; Seckl JR; Meaney MJ, 1996. The role of early environmental events in regulating neuroendocrine development. Moms, pups, stress, and glucocorticoid receptors.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 794:136-52

Gallagher M; Landfield PW; McEwen B; Meaney MJ; Rapp PR; Sapolsky R; West MJ, 1996. Hippocampal neurodegeneration in aging.  Science 274(5287):484-5

Hanisch UK; Rowe W; van Rossum D; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 1996. Phasic hyperactivity of the HPA axis resulting from chronic central IL-2 administration.  Neuroreport 7(18):2883-8

Zaharia MD; Kulczycki J; Shanks N; Meaney MJ; Anisman H, 1996. The effects of early postnatal stimulation on Morris water-maze acquisition in adult mice: genetic and maternal factors.  Psychopharmacology (Berl) 128(3):227-39

Quirion R; Wilson A; Rowe W; Aubert I; Richard J; Doods H; Parent A; White N; Meaney MJ, 1995. Facilitation of acetylcholine release and cognitive performance by an M(2)-muscarinic receptor antagonist in aged memory-impaired.  J Neurosci 15(2):1455-62

Shanks N; Larocque S; Meaney MJ, 1995. Neonatal endotoxin exposure alters the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis: early illness and later responsivity to stress.  J Neurosci 15(1 Pt 1):376-84

Bodnoff SR; Humphreys AG; Lehman JC; Diamond DM; Rose GM; Meaney MJ, 1995. Enduring effects of chronic corticosterone treatment on spatial learning, synaptic plasticity, and hippocampal neuropathology in young and mid-aged rats.  J Neurosci 15(1 Pt 1):61-9

McCormick CM; Smythe JW; Sharma S; Meaney MJ, 1995. Sex-specific effects of prenatal stress on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress and brain glucocorticoid receptor density in adult rats.  Brain Res Dev Brain Res 84(1):55-61

Rowe W; Viau V; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 1995. Stimulation of CRH-mediated ACTH secretion by central administration of neurotensin: evidence for the participation of the paraventricular nucleus.  J Neuroendocrinol 7(2):109-17

Bhatnagar S; Meaney MJ, 1995. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function in chronic intermittently cold-stressed neonatally handled and non handled rats.  J Neuroendocrinol 7(2):97-108

Parent A; Rowe W; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 1995. Increased production of inositol phosphates and diacylglycerol in aged cognitively impaired rats after stimulation of muscarinic, metabotropic-glutamate and endothelin receptors.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther 272(3):1110-6

O'Donnell D; Francis D; Weaver S; Meaney MJ, 1995. Effects of adrenalectomy and corticosterone replacement on glucocorticoid receptor levels in rat brain tissue: a comparison between western blotting and receptor binding assays.  Brain Res 687(1-2):133-42

Bhatnagar S; Mitchell JB; Betito K; Boksa P; Meaney MJ, 1995. Effects of chronic intermittent cold stress on pituitary adrenocortical and sympathetic adrenomedullary functioning.  Physiol Behav 57(4):633-9

Meaney MJ; O'Donnell D; Rowe W; Tannenbaum B; Steverman A; Walker M; Nair NP; Lupien S, 1995. Individual differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in later life and hippocampal aging.  Exp Gerontol 30(3-4):229-51

Desjardins GC; Beaudet A; Meaney MJ; Brawer JR, 1995. Estrogen-induced hypothalamic beta-endorphin neuron loss: a possible model of hypothalamic aging.  Exp Gerontol 30(3-4):253-67

Yau JL; Olsson T; Morris RG; Meaney MJ; Seckl JR, 1995. Glucocorticoids, hippocampal corticosteroid receptor gene expression and antidepressant treatment: relationship with spatial learning in young and aged rats.  Neuroscience 66(3):571-81

Aubert I; Rowe W; Meaney MJ; Gauthier S; Quirion R, 1995. Cholinergic markers in aged cognitively impaired Long-Evans rats.  Neuroscience 67(2):277-92

O'Donnell D; Meaney MJ, 1994. Aldosterone modulates glucocorticoid receptor binding in hippocampal cell cultures via the mineralocorticoid receptor.  Brain Res 636(1):49-54

Smythe JW; McCormick CM; Rochford J; Meaney MJ, 1994. The interaction between prenatal stress and neonatal handling on nociceptive response latencies in male and female rats.  Physiol Behav 55(5):971-4

Lupien S; Lecours AR; Lussier I; Schwartz G; Nair NP; Meaney MJ, 1994. Basal cortisol levels and cognitive deficits in human aging.  J Neurosci 14(5 Pt 1):2893-903

Shanks N; McCormick CM; Meaney MJ, 1994. Sex differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responding to endotoxin challenge in the neonate: reversal by gonadectomy.  Brain Res Dev Brain Res 79(2):260-6

Betito K; Mitchell JB; Bhatnagar S; Boksa P; Meaney MJ, 1994. Regulation of the adrenomedullary catecholaminergic system after mild, acute stress.  Am J Physiol 267(1 Pt 2):R212-20

Shanks N; Meaney MJ, 1994. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activation following endotoxin administration in the developing rat: a CRH-mediated effect.  J Neuroendocrinol 6(4):375-83

Smythe JW; Rowe WB; Meaney MJ, 1994. Neonatal handling alters serotonin (5-HT) turnover and 5-HT2 receptor binding in selected brain regions: relationship to the handling effect on glucocorticoid receptor expression.  Brain Res Dev Brain Res 80(1-2):183-9

Iny LJ; Pecknold J; Suranyi-Cadotte BE; Bernier B; Luthe L; Nair NP; Meaney MJ, 1994. Studies of a neurochemical link between depression, anxiety, and stress from [3H]imipramine and [3H]paroxetine binding on human platelets.  Biol Psychiatry 36(5):281-91

Meaney MJ; Diorio J; Francis D; LaRocque S; O'Donnell D; Smythe JW; Sharma S; Tannenbaum B, 1994. Environmental regulation of the development of glucocorticoid receptor systems in the rat forebrain. The role of serotonin.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 746:260-73; discussion 274, 289-93

Hanisch UK; Rowe W; Sharma S; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 1994. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity during chronic central administration of interleukin-2.  Endocrinology 135(6):2465-72

Shanks N; Francis D; Zalcman S; Meaney MJ; Anisman H, 1994. Alterations in central catecholamines associated with immune responding in adult and aged mice.  Brain Res 666(1):77-87

O'Donnell D; Larocque S; Seckl JR; Meaney MJ, 1994. Postnatal handling alters glucocorticoid, but not mineralocorticoid messenger RNA expression in the hippocampus of adult rats.  Brain Res Mol Brain Res 26(1-2):242-8

Betito K; Diorio J; Meaney MJ; Boksa P, 1993. Glucocorticoid receptors in bovine adrenal medullary cells in culture: regulation by cyclic nucleotides.  Neuroscience 54(1):263-73

Seckl JR; French KL; O'Donnell D; Meaney MJ; Nair NP; Yates CM; Fink G, 1993. Glucocorticoid receptor gene expression is unaltered in hippocampal neurons in Alzheimer's disease.  Brain Res Mol Brain Res 18(3):239-45

Viau V; Sharma S; Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 1993. Increased plasma ACTH responses to stress in nonhandled compared with handled rats require basal levels of corticosterone and are associated with increased levels of ACTH secretagogues in the median eminence.  J Neurosci 13(3):1097-105

Plotsky PM; Thrivikraman KV; Meaney MJ, 1993. Central and feedback regulation of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor secretion.  Ciba Found Symp 172:59-75; discussion 75-84

Plotsky PM; Meaney MJ, 1993. Early, postnatal experience alters hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) mRNA, median eminence CRF content and stress-induced release in adult rats.  Brain Res Mol Brain Res 18(3):195-200

Fleshner M; Watkins LR; Lockwood LL; Grahn RE; Gerhardt G; Meaney MJ; Laudenslager ML; Maier SF, 1993. Blockade of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to stress by intraventricular injection of dexamethasone: a method for studying the stress-induced peripheral effects of glucocorticoids.  Psychoneuroendocrinology 18(4):251-63

Bhatnagar S; Meaney MJ; Amir S, 1993. The effects of prostaglandin E2 injected into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus on brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in spontaneously hypertensive rats.  Brain Res 613(2):285-7

Iny LJ; Suranyi-Cadotte BE; Bernier B; Luthe L; Meaney MJ, 1993. Relationship of social support to [3H]imipramine binding during and after examination stress.  J Psychiatry Neurosci 18(4):143-7

Meaney MJ; Bhatnagar S; Diorio J; Larocque S; Francis D; O'Donnell D; Shanks N; Sharma S; Smythe J; Viau V, 1993. Molecular basis for the development of individual differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress response.  Cell Mol Neurobiol 13(4):321-47

Diorio D; Viau V; Meaney MJ, 1993. The role of the medial prefrontal cortex (cingulate gyrus) in the regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress.  J Neurosci 13(9):3839-47

Meaney MJ; Bhatnagar S; Larocque S; McCormick C; Shanks N; Sharma S; Smythe J; Viau V; Plotsky PM, 1993. Individual differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress response and the hypothalamic CRF system.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 697:70-85

Seckl JR; Meaney MJ, 1993. Early life events and later development of ischaemic heart disease.  Lancet 342(8881):1236

O'Donnell D; Baccichet A; Seckl JR; Meaney MJ; Poirier J, 1993. Entorhinal cortex lesions transiently alter glucocorticoid but not mineralocorticoid receptor gene expression in the rat hippocampus.  J Neurochem 61(1):356-9

Viau V; Montagne MN; Sarrieau A; Meaney MJ; Rostène W, 1992. Changes in vasoactive intestinal Peptide binding site densities in the female rat central nervous system and pituitary during lactation.  J Neuroendocrinol 4(6):759-64

Betito K; Diorio J; Meaney MJ; Boksa P, 1992. Adrenal phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase induction in relation to glucocorticoid receptor dynamics: evidence that acute exposure to high cortisol levels is sufficient to induce the enzyme.  J Neurochem 58(5):1853-62

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Sharma S; Viau V, 1992. Basal ACTH, corticosterone and corticosterone-binding globulin levels over the diurnal cycle, and age-related changes in hippocampal type I and type II corticosteroid receptor binding capacity in young and aged, handled and nonhandled rats.  Neuroendocrinology 55(2):204-13

Rowe W; Viau V; Meaney MJ; Quirion R, 1992. Central administration of neurotensin stimulates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity. The paraventricular CRF neuron as a critical site of action.  Ann N Y Acad Sci 668:365-7

Mitchell JB; Betito K; Rowe W; Boksa P; Meaney MJ, 1992. Serotonergic regulation of type II corticosteroid receptor binding in hippocampal cell cultures: evidence for the importance of serotonin-induced changes in cAMP levels.  Neuroscience 48(3):631-9

Diorio D; Welner SA; Butterworth RF; Meaney MJ; Suranyi-Cadotte BE, 1991. Peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites in Alzheimer's disease frontal and temporal cortex.  Neurobiol Aging 12(3):255-8

Meaney MJ; Mitchell JB; Aitken DH; Bhatnagar S; Bodnoff SR; Iny LJ; Sarrieau A, 1991. The effects of neonatal handling on the development of the adrenocortical response to stress: implications for neuropathology and cognitive deficits in later life.  Psychoneuroendocrinology 16(1-3):85-103

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Bhatnagar S; Sapolsky RM, 1991. Postnatal handling attenuates certain neuroendocrine, anatomical, and cognitive dysfunctions associated with aging in female rats.  Neurobiol Aging 12(1):31-8

Meaney MJ; Viau V; Bhatnagar S; Betito K; Iny LJ; O'Donnell D; Mitchell JB, 1991. Cellular mechanisms underlying the development and expression of individual differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress response.  J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 39(2):265-74

Mitchell JB; Meaney MJ, 1991. Effects of corticosterone on response consolidation and retrieval in the forced swim test.  Behav Neurosci 105(6):798-803

Viau V; Meaney MJ, 1991. Variations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to stress during the estrous cycle in the rat.  Endocrinology 129(5):2503-11

Peiffer A; Barden N; Meaney MJ, 1991. Age-related changes in glucocorticoid receptor binding and mRNA levels in the rat brain and pituitary.  Neurobiol Aging 12(5):475-9

Issa AM; Rowe W; Gauthier S; Meaney MJ, 1990. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in aged, cognitively impaired and cognitively unimpaired rats.  J Neurosci 10(10):3247-54

Araujo DM; Lapchak PA; Meaney MJ; Collier B; Quirion R, 1990. Effects of aging on nicotinic and muscarinic autoreceptor function in the rat brain: relationship to presynaptic cholinergic markers and binding sites.  J Neurosci 10(9):3069-78

Mitchell JB; Iny LJ; Meaney MJ, 1990. The role of serotonin in the development and environmental regulation of type II corticosteroid receptor binding in rat hippocampus.  Brain Res Dev Brain Res 55(2):231-5

Mitchell JB; Rowe W; Boksa P; Meaney MJ, 1990. Serotonin regulates type II corticosteroid receptor binding in hippocampal cell cultures.  J Neurosci 10(6):1745-52

Sarrieau A; Mitchell JB; Lal S; Olivier A; Quirion R; Meaney MJ, 1990. Androgen binding sites in human temporal cortex.  Neuroendocrinology 51(6):713-6

Meaney MJ, 1989. The sexual differentiation of social play.  Psychiatr Dev 7(3):247-61

Meaney MJ; Viau V; Aitken DH; Bhatnagar S, 1989. Glucocorticoid receptors in brain and pituitary of the lactating rat.  Physiol Behav 45(1):209-12

Bodnoff SR; Suranyi-Cadotte B; Quirion R; Meaney MJ, 1989. A comparison of the effects of diazepam versus several typical and atypical anti-depressant drugs in an animal model of anxiety.  Psychopharmacology (Berl) 97(2):277-9

Walker CD; Rivest RW; Meaney MJ; Aubert ML, 1989. Differential activation of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis after stress in the rat: use of two genetically selected lines (Roman low- and high-avoidance rats) as a model.  J Endocrinol 123(3):477-85

Bodnoff SR; Suranyi-Cadotte BE; Quirion R; Meaney MJ, 1989. Role of the central benzodiazepine receptor system in behavioral habituation to novelty.  Behav Neurosci 103(1):209-12

Aitken DH; Meaney MJ, 1989. Temporally graded, age-related impairments in spatial memory in the rat.  Neurobiol Aging 10(3):273-6

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Viau V; Sharma S; Sarrieau A, 1989. Neonatal handling alters adrenocortical negative feedback sensitivity and hippocampal type II glucocorticoid receptor binding in the rat.  Neuroendocrinology 50(5):597-604

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; van Berkel C; Bhatnagar S; Sapolsky RM, 1988. Effect of neonatal handling on age-related impairments associated with the hippocampus.  Science 239(4841 Pt 1):766-8

Bodnoff SR; Suranyi-Cadotte B; Aitken DH; Quirion R; Meaney MJ, 1988. The effects of chronic antidepressant treatment in an animal model of anxiety.  Psychopharmacology (Berl) 95(3):298-302

Meaney MJ, 1988. The sexual differentiation of social play.  Trends Neurosci 11(2):54-8

Stewart J; Meaney MJ; Aitken D; Jensen L; Kalant N, 1988. The effects of acute and life-long food restriction on basal and stress-induced serum corticosterone levels in young and aged rats.  Endocrinology 123(4):1934-41

Sarrieau A; Dussaillant M; Sapolsky RM; Aitken DH; Olivier A; Lal S; Rostène WH; Quirion R; Meaney MJ, 1988. Glucocorticoid binding sites in human temporal cortex.  Brain Res 442(1):157-60

Sapolsky RM; Meaney MJ, 1988. Postmortem decay in glucocorticoid binding in human and primate brain.  Brain Res 448(1):182-5

Sarrieau A; Sharma S; Meaney MJ, 1988. Postnatal development and environmental regulation of hippocampal glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors.  Brain Res 471(1):158-62

Meaney MJ; Viau V; Aitken DH; Bhatnagar S, 1988. Stress-induced occupancy and translocation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors.  Brain Res 445(1):198-203

Bodnoff SR; Suranyi-Cadotte B; Quirion R; Meaney MJ, 1987. Postnatal handling reduces novelty-induced fear and increases [3H]flunitrazepam binding in rat brain.  Eur J Pharmacol 144(1):105-7

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Sapolsky RM, 1987. Thyroid hormones influence the development of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors in the rat: a mechanism for the effects of postnatal handling on the development of the adrenocortical stress response.  Neuroendocrinology 45(4):278-83

Iny LJ; Gianoulakis C; Palmour RM; Meaney MJ, 1987. The beta-endorphin response to stress during postnatal development in the rat.  Brain Res 428(2):177-81

Meaney MJ; McEwen BS, 1986. Testosterone implants into the amygdala during the neonatal period masculinize the social play of juvenile female rats.  Brain Res 398(2):324-8

Walker CD; Sapolsky RM; Meaney MJ; Vale WW; Rivier CL, 1986. Increased pituitary sensitivity to glucocorticoid feedback during the stress nonresponsive period in the neonatal rat.  Endocrinology 119(4):1816-21

Mitchell J; Tatarewicz JE; Meaney MJ, 1986. Molybdate stabilizes soluble [3H]dexamethasone binding sites in rat brain tissue in incubations at room temperature (22 degrees C).  Brain Res 383(1-2):373-6

Sapolsky RM; Meaney MJ, 1986. Maturation of the adrenocortical stress response: neuroendocrine control mechanisms and the stress hyporesponsive period.  Brain Res 396(1):64-76

Sapolsky RM; Meaney MJ; McEwen BS, 1985. The development of the glucocorticoid receptor system in the rat limbic brain. III. Negative-feedback regulation.  Brain Res 350(1-2):169-73

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Bodnoff SR; Iny LJ; Sapolsky RM, 1985. The effects of postnatal handling on the development of the glucocorticoid receptor systems and stress recovery in the rat.  Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 9(5-6):731-4

Meaney MJ; Sapolsky RM; McEwen BS, 1985. The development of the glucocorticoid receptor system in the rat limbic brain. I. Ontogeny and autoregulation.  Brain Res 350(1-2):159-64

Meaney MJ; Sapolsky RM; McEwen BS, 1985. The development of the glucocorticoid receptor system in the rat limbic brain. II. An autoradiographic study.  Brain Res 350(1-2):165-8

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH, 1985. The effects of early postnatal handling on hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor concentrations: temporal parameters.  Brain Res 354(2):301-4

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH, 1985. [3H]Dexamethasone binding in rat frontal cortex.  Brain Res 328(1):176-80

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Bodnoff SR; Iny LJ; Tatarewicz JE; Sapolsky RM, 1985. Early postnatal handling alters glucocorticoid receptor concentrations in selected brain regions.  Behav Neurosci 99(4):765-70

Meaney MJ; Aitken DH; Jensen LK; McGinnis MY; McEwen BS, 1985. Nuclear and cytosolic androgen receptor levels in the limbic brain of neonatal male and female rats.  Brain Res 355(2):179-85

Meaney MJ; Sapolsky RM; Aitken DH; McEwen BS, 1985. [3H]dexamethasone binding in the limbic brain of the fetal rat.  Brain Res 355(2):297-300

McGinnis MY; Davis PG; Meaney MJ; Singer M; McEwen BS, 1983. In vitro measurement of cytosol and cell nuclear androgen receptors in male rat brain and pituitary.  Brain Res 275(1):75-82

Meaney MJ; Stewart J; Poulin P; McEwen BS, 1983. Sexual differentiation of social play in rat pups is mediated by the neonatal androgen-receptor system.  Neuroendocrinology 37(2):85-90

Meaney MJ; Stewart J; Beatty WW, 1982. The influence of glucocorticoids during the neonatal period on the development of play-fighting in Norway rat pups.  Horm Behav 16(4):475-91

Meaney MJ; Stewart J, 1981. Neonatal-androgens influence the social play of prepubescent rats.  Horm Behav 15(2):197-213

Meaney MJ; Dodge AM; Beatty WW, 1981. Sex-dependent effects of amygdaloid lesions on the social play of prepubertal rats.  Physiol Behav 26(3):467-72

Beatty WW; Dodge AM; Traylor KL; Meaney MJ, 1981. Temporal boundary of the sensitive period for hormonal organization of social play in juvenile rats.  Physiol Behav 26(2):241-3

Stewart J; Vallentyne S; Meaney MJ, 1979. Differential effects of testosterone metabolites in the neonatal period on open-field behavior and lordosis in the rat.  Horm Behav 13(3):282-92

Publications by year retrieved from NCBI Pubmed


  1. Merrill, SM, Konwar, C, Fatima, F, Dever, K, MacIsaac, JL, Letourneau, N et al.. Impact of age-related changes in buccal epithelial cells on pediatric epigenetic biomarker research. Nat Commun. 2025;16 (1):609. doi: 10.1038/s41467-025-55909-8. PubMed PMID:39800776 PubMed Central PMC11725590.
  2. Duan, TQ, Hagenauer, MH, Flandreau, EI, Bader, A, Nguyen, DM, Maras, PM et al.. A meta-analysis of the effects of early life stress on the prefrontal cortex transcriptome suggests long-term effects on myelin. bioRxiv. 2024; :. doi: 10.1101/2024.11.22.624315. PubMed PMID:39605735 PubMed Central PMC11601536.
  3. Barth, B, Arcego, DM, de Mendonça Filho, EJ, de Lima, RMS, Parent, C, Dalmaz, C et al.. Striatal dopamine gene network moderates the effect of early adversity on the risk for adult psychiatric and cardiometabolic comorbidity. Sci Rep. 2024;14 (1):27349. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-78465-5. PubMed PMID:39521843 PubMed Central PMC11550826.
  4. Chen, L, Tan, KM, Xu, J, Mishra, P, Mir, SA, Gong, M et al.. Exploring multi-omics and clinical characteristics linked to accelerated biological aging in Asian women of reproductive age: insights from the S-PRESTO study. Genome Med. 2024;16 (1):128. doi: 10.1186/s13073-024-01403-7. PubMed PMID:39516835 PubMed Central PMC11549770.
  5. Han, MX, Nadarajan, R, Wang, N, Kee, MZL, Lim, S, Sagar, YK et al.. Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Risk for Childhood Depression: Role of Executive Functions. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024; :. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2024.08.503. PubMed PMID:39419473 .
  6. Barnwell, J, Hénault Robert, C, Nguyen, TV, Davis, KP, Gratton, C, Elgbeili, G et al.. Predictors of Participation in a Perinatal Text Message Screening Protocol for Maternal Depression and Anxiety: Prospective Cohort Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. 2024;7 :e53786. doi: 10.2196/53786. PubMed PMID:39361419 PubMed Central PMC11487212.
  7. Eng, DZH, Tham, EKH, Jafar, NK, Tan, JSY, Goh, DYT, Lee, YS et al.. Sleep problems in preschool mediate the association between chronotype and socioemotional problems at school-age. Sleep Med. 2024;124 :174-186. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2024.09.003. PubMed PMID:39306959 .
  8. Padmapriya, N, Bernard, JY, Tan, SYX, Chu, AHY, Goh, CMJL, Tan, SL et al.. The prospective associations of 24-hour movement behaviors and domain-specific activities with executive function and academic achievement among school-aged children in Singapore. Front Public Health. 2024;12 :1412634. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1412634. PubMed PMID:39296832 PubMed Central PMC11409845.
  9. Rayan, NA, Aow, J, Lim, MGL, Arcego, DM, Ryan, R, Nourbakhsh, N et al.. Shared and unique transcriptomic signatures of antidepressant and probiotics action in the mammalian brain. Mol Psychiatry. 2024;29 (11):3653-3668. doi: 10.1038/s41380-024-02619-0. PubMed PMID:38844534 .
  10. Zhang, S, Larsen, B, Sydnor, VJ, Zeng, T, An, L, Yan, X et al.. In vivo whole-cortex marker of excitation-inhibition ratio indexes cortical maturation and cognitive ability in youth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024;121 (23):e2318641121. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2318641121. PubMed PMID:38814872 PubMed Central PMC11161789.
  11. Miller, JG, Gluckman, PD, Fortier, MV, Chong, YS, Meaney, MJ, Tan, AP et al.. Faster pace of hippocampal growth mediates the association between perinatal adversity and childhood depression. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2024;67 :101392. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2024.101392. PubMed PMID:38761439 PubMed Central PMC11127214.
  12. Chan, SY, Fitzgerald, E, Ngoh, ZM, Lee, J, Chuah, J, Chia, JSM et al.. Examining the associations between microglia genetic capacity, early life exposures and white matter development at the level of the individual. Brain Behav Immun. 2024;119 :781-791. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.04.038. PubMed PMID:38677627 .
  13. Fitzgerald, E, Pokhvisneva, I, Patel, S, Yu Chan, S, Peng Tan, A, Chen, H et al.. Microglial function interacts with the environment to affect sex-specific depression risk. Brain Behav Immun. 2024;119 :597-606. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.04.030. PubMed PMID:38670238 .
  14. Zhang, S, Larsen, B, Sydnor, VJ, Zeng, T, An, L, Yan, X et al.. In-vivo whole-cortex marker of excitation-inhibition ratio indexes cortical maturation and cognitive ability in youth. bioRxiv. 2024; :. doi: 10.1101/2023.06.22.546023. PubMed PMID:38586012 PubMed Central PMC10996460.
  15. Tchalova, K, Lydon, JE, Atkinson, L, Fleming, AS, Kennedy, J, Lecompte, V et al.. Variation in the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) moderates the influence of maternal sensitivity on child attachment. Transl Psychiatry. 2024;14 (1):181. doi: 10.1038/s41398-024-02888-x. PubMed PMID:38580654 PubMed Central PMC10997775.
  16. Chan, SY, Low, XZ, Ngoh, ZM, Ong, ZY, Kee, MZL, Huang, P et al.. Neonatal Nucleus Accumbens Microstructure Modulates Individual Susceptibility to Preconception Maternal Stress in Relation to Externalizing Behaviors. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024;63 (10):1035-1046. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2023.12.011. PubMed PMID:38423282 .
  17. Pink, AE, Teo, R, Chua, B, Kong, F, Nadarajan, R, Pei, JY et al.. The effects of acute social ostracism on subsequent snacking behavior and future body mass index in children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2024;48 (6):867-875. doi: 10.1038/s41366-024-01489-4. PubMed PMID:38413700 .
  18. Husain, SF, Cremaschi, A, Suaini, NHA, De Iorio, M, Loo, EXL, Shek, LP et al.. Maternal asthma symptoms during pregnancy on child behaviour and executive function: A Bayesian phenomics approach. Brain Behav Immun. 2024;118 :202-209. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.02.028. PubMed PMID:38412907 .
  19. Huang, P, Chan, SY, Ngoh, ZM, Ong, ZY, Low, XZ, Law, EC et al.. Screen time, brain network development and socio-emotional competence in childhood: moderation of associations by parent-child reading. Psychol Med. 2024;54 (9):1992-2003. doi: 10.1017/S0033291724000084. PubMed PMID:38314509 PubMed Central PMC11413359.
  20. Agarwal, PK, Xie, H, Sathyapalan Rema, AS, Tay, EGH, Meaney, MJ, Godfrey, KM et al.. Exploring the validity of the ASQ-SE for socio-emotional competency screening of a low-risk Asian cohort at 2 years of age. Early Hum Dev. 2024;190 :105951. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2024.105951. PubMed PMID:38301335 .
  21. Pantell, MS, Silveira, PP, de Mendonça Filho, EJ, Wing, H, Brown, EM, Keeton, VF et al.. Associations between Social Adversity and Biomarkers of Inflammation, Stress, and Aging in Children. Pediatr Res. 2024;95 (6):1553-1563. doi: 10.1038/s41390-023-02992-6. PubMed PMID:38233512 PubMed Central PMC11126389.
  22. Huang, J, Kee, MZL, Law, EC, Sum, KK, Silveira, PP, Godfrey, KM et al.. Parental and child genetic burden of glycaemic dysregulation and early-life cognitive development: an Asian and European prospective cohort study. Transl Psychiatry. 2024;14 (1):2. doi: 10.1038/s41398-023-02694-x. PubMed PMID:38177108 PubMed Central PMC10766615.
  23. Bischoff, AR, Dalle Molle, R, Mucellini, AB, Pokhvisneva, I, Levitan, RD, Meaney, MJ et al.. Accumbal μ-opioid receptors and salt taste-elicited hedonic responses in a rodent model of prenatal adversity, and their correlates using human functional genomics. Stress. 2024;27 (1):2294954. doi: 10.1080/10253890.2023.2294954. PubMed PMID:38140734 .
  24. Alex, AM, Aguate, F, Botteron, K, Buss, C, Chong, YS, Dager, SR et al.. A global multicohort study to map subcortical brain development and cognition in infancy and early childhood. Nat Neurosci. 2024;27 (1):176-186. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01501-6. PubMed PMID:37996530 PubMed Central PMC10774128.
  25. Chen, LM, Pokhvisneva, I, Lahti-Pulkkinen, M, Kvist, T, Baldwin, JR, Parent, C et al.. Independent Prediction of Child Psychiatric Symptoms by Maternal Mental Health and Child Polygenic Risk Scores. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024;63 (6):640-651. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2023.08.018. PubMed PMID:37977417 PubMed Central PMC11105503.
  26. Fitzgerald, E, Shen, M, Yong, HEJ, Wang, Z, Pokhvisneva, I, Patel, S et al.. Hofbauer cell function in the term placenta associates with adult cardiovascular and depressive outcomes. Nat Commun. 2023;14 (1):7120. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42300-8. PubMed PMID:37963865 PubMed Central PMC10645763.
  27. Morgunova, A, Ibrahim, P, Chen, GG, Coury, SM, Turecki, G, Meaney, MJ et al.. Preparation and processing of dried blood spots for microRNA sequencing. Biol Methods Protoc. 2023;8 (1):bpad020. doi: 10.1093/biomethods/bpad020. PubMed PMID:37901452 PubMed Central PMC10603595.
  28. Felt, JM, Yusupov, N, Harrington, KD, Fietz, J, Zhang, ZZ, Sliwinski, MJ et al.. Epigenetic age acceleration as a biomarker for impaired cognitive abilities in adulthood following early life adversity and psychiatric disorders. Neurobiol Stress. 2023;27 :100577. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2023.100577. PubMed PMID:37885906 PubMed Central PMC10597797.
  29. Kee, MZL, Cremaschi, A, De Iorio, M, Chen, H, Montreuil, T, Nguyen, TV et al.. Perinatal Trajectories of Maternal Depressive Symptoms in Prospective, Community-Based Cohorts Across 3 Continents. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6 (10):e2339942. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.39942. PubMed PMID:37883082 PubMed Central PMC10603499.
  30. Phua, DY, Chen, H, Yap, F, Chong, YS, Gluckman, PD, Broekman, BFP et al.. Allostatic load in children: The cost of empathic concern. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023;120 (39):e2217769120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2217769120. PubMed PMID:37725642 PubMed Central PMC10523447.
  31. Fitzgerald, E, Arcego, DM, Shen, MJ, O'Toole, N, Wen, X, Nagy, C et al.. Sex and cell-specific gene expression in corticolimbic brain regions associated with psychiatric disorders revealed by bulk and single-nuclei RNA sequencing. EBioMedicine. 2023;95 :104749. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104749. PubMed PMID:37549631 PubMed Central PMC10432187.
  32. Agarwal, PK, Xie, H, Sathyapalan Rema, AS, Meaney, MJ, Godfrey, KM, Rajadurai, VS et al.. Concurrent validity of the ages and stages questionnaires with Bayley Scales of Infant Development-III at 2 years - Singapore cohort study. Pediatr Neonatol. 2024;65 (1):48-54. doi: 10.1016/j.pedneo.2023.03.013. PubMed PMID:37544806 .
  33. Huang, P, Tint, MT, Lee, M, Ngoh, ZM, Gluckman, P, Chong, YS et al.. Functional activity of the caudate mediates the relation between early childhood microstructural variations and elevated metabolic syndrome scores. Neuroimage. 2023;278 :120273. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120273. PubMed PMID:37473977 .
  34. Querdasi, FR, Enders, C, Karnani, N, Broekman, B, Yap Seng, C, Gluckman, PD et al.. Multigenerational adversity impacts on human gut microbiome composition and socioemotional functioning in early childhood. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023;120 (30):e2213768120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2213768120. PubMed PMID:37463211 PubMed Central PMC10372691.
  35. Arcego, DM, Buschdorf, JP, O'Toole, N, Wang, Z, Barth, B, Pokhvisneva, I et al.. A Glucocorticoid-Sensitive Hippocampal Gene Network Moderates the Impact of Early-Life Adversity on Mental Health Outcomes. Biol Psychiatry. 2024;95 (1):48-61. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.06.028. PubMed PMID:37406925 .
  36. Nguyen, TT, Qian, X, Ng, EKK, Ong, MQW, Ngoh, ZM, Yeo, SSP et al.. Variations in Cortical Functional Gradients Relate to Dimensions of Psychopathology in Preschool Children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024;63 (1):80-89. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2023.05.029. PubMed PMID:37394176 .
  37. Sudo, M, Won, YQ, Chau, WWY, Meaney, MJ, Kee, MZL, Chen, H et al.. Physical discipline as a normative childhood experience in Singapore. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2023;17 (1):81. doi: 10.1186/s13034-023-00632-9. PubMed PMID:37386570 PubMed Central PMC10311744.
  38. Sunderji, A, Gallant, HD, Hall, A, Davis, AD, Pokhvisneva, I, Meaney, MJ et al.. Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene network moderates the impact of prenatal maternal adversity on orbitofrontal cortical thickness in middle childhood. PLoS One. 2023;18 (6):e0287289. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287289. PubMed PMID:37319261 PubMed Central PMC10270637.
  39. Tan, KML, Chee, J, Lim, KLM, Ng, M, Gong, M, Xu, J et al.. Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of β-Cryptoxanthin Supplementation in Healthy Women: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2023;15 (10):. doi: 10.3390/nu15102325. PubMed PMID:37242207 PubMed Central PMC10222860.
  40. Anant, N, Kaur, D, Nadarajan, R, Phua, DY, Chong, YS, Gluckman, PD et al.. Validating the Children's Depression Inventory-2: Results from the Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) study. PLoS One. 2023;18 (5):e0286197. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286197. PubMed PMID:37228057 PubMed Central PMC10212172.
  41. Abdul Jafar, NK, Tham, EKH, Eng, DZH, Yeo, S, Rifkin-Graboi, A, Gooley, JJ et al.. Preconception sleep quality moderates the association between preconception hair cortisol levels and mental health in pregnant women. J Affect Disord. 2023;334 :187-196. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.04.129. PubMed PMID:37150222 .
  42. Keeton, VF, Bell, JF, Drake, C, Fernandez Y Garcia, EO, Pantell, M, Hessler, D et al.. Household Social Needs, Emotional Functioning, and Stress in Low-Income Latinx Children and their Mothers. J Child Fam Stud. 2023;32 (3):796-811. doi: 10.1007/s10826-023-02532-0. PubMed PMID:37143480 PubMed Central PMC10156014.
  43. Abdul Jafar, NK, Tham, EKH, Eng, DZH, Rifkin-Graboi, A, Gooley, JJ, Goh, DYT et al.. Chronotype and time-of-day effects on spatial working memory in preschool children. J Clin Sleep Med. 2023;19 (10):1717-1726. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.10650. PubMed PMID:37143359 PubMed Central PMC10545990.
  44. Jaramillo-Ospina, AM, Roman, GT, Rodrigues, DM, Patel, S, Pokhvisneva, I, Chakr, VG et al.. Omega-3 polygenic score protects against altered eating behavior in intrauterine growth-restricted children. Pediatr Res. 2023;94 (3):1225-1234. doi: 10.1038/s41390-023-02609-y. PubMed PMID:37142650 .
  45. Tham, EKH, Xu, HY, Fu, X, Goh, RSM, Gluckman, PD, Chong, YS et al.. Associations between sleep trajectories up to 54 months and cognitive school readiness in 4 year old preschool children. Front Psychol. 2023;14 :1136448. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1136448. PubMed PMID:37057174 PubMed Central PMC10086425.
  46. Huang, P, Chan, SY, Ngoh, ZM, Nadarajan, R, Chong, YS, Gluckman, PD et al.. Functional connectivity analysis of childhood depressive symptoms. Neuroimage Clin. 2023;38 :103395. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103395. PubMed PMID:37031637 PubMed Central PMC10120398.
  47. Ayyash, S, Sunderji, A, Gallant, HD, Hall, A, Davis, AD, Pokhvisneva, I et al.. Examining resting-state network connectivity in children exposed to perinatal maternal adversity using anatomically weighted functional connectivity (awFC) analyses; A preliminary report. Front Neurosci. 2023;17 :1066373. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1066373. PubMed PMID:37008220 PubMed Central PMC10060836.
  48. Miguel, PM, Meaney, MJ, Silveira, PP. New Research Perspectives on the Interplay Between Genes and Environment on Executive Function Development. Biol Psychiatry. 2023;94 (2):131-141. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.01.008. PubMed PMID:37002151 .
  49. Yan, X, Kong, R, Xue, A, Yang, Q, Orban, C, An, L et al.. Homotopic local-global parcellation of the human cerebral cortex from resting-state functional connectivity. Neuroimage. 2023;273 :120010. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120010. PubMed PMID:36918136 PubMed Central PMC10212507.
  50. Chen, L, Mir, SA, Bendt, AK, Chua, EWL, Narasimhan, K, Tan, KM et al.. Plasma lipidomic profiling reveals metabolic adaptations to pregnancy and signatures of cardiometabolic risk: a preconception and longitudinal cohort study. BMC Med. 2023;21 (1):53. doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-02740-x. PubMed PMID:36782297 PubMed Central PMC9926745.
  51. Silveira, PP, Pokhvisneva, I, Howard, DM, Meaney, MJ. A sex-specific genome-wide association study of depression phenotypes in UK Biobank. Mol Psychiatry. 2023;28 (6):2469-2479. doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-01960-0. PubMed PMID:36750733 PubMed Central PMC10611579.
  52. Huang, J, Tan, AP, Law, E, Godfrey, KM, Qiu, A, Daniel, LM et al.. Maternal preconception circulating blood biomarker mixtures, child behavioural symptom scores and the potential mediating role of neonatal brain microstructure: the S-PRESTO cohort. Transl Psychiatry. 2023;13 (1):38. doi: 10.1038/s41398-023-02332-6. PubMed PMID:36737601 PubMed Central PMC9898508.
  53. Law, EC, Han, MX, Lai, Z, Lim, S, Ong, ZY, Ng, V et al.. Associations Between Infant Screen Use, Electroencephalography Markers, and Cognitive Outcomes. JAMA Pediatr. 2023;177 (3):311-318. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.5674. PubMed PMID:36716016 PubMed Central PMC9887532.
  54. Silveira, PP, Meaney, MJ. Examining the biological mechanisms of human mental disorders resulting from gene-environment interdependence using novel functional genomic approaches. Neurobiol Dis. 2023;178 :106008. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106008. PubMed PMID:36690304 .
  55. de Mendonça Filho, EJ, Pokhvisneva, I, Maalouf, CM, Parent, C, Mliner, SB, Slopen, N et al.. Linking specific biological signatures to different childhood adversities: findings from the HERO project. Pediatr Res. 2023;94 (2):564-574. doi: 10.1038/s41390-022-02415-y. PubMed PMID:36650307 PubMed Central PMC10382309.
  56. Cai, S, Phua, DY, Tham, EKH, Goh, DYT, Teoh, OH, Shek, LPC et al.. Mid-pregnancy and postpartum maternal mental health and infant sleep in the first year of life. J Sleep Res. 2023;32 (3):e13804. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13804. PubMed PMID:36511597 .
  57. Cai, S, Tham, EKH, Xu, HY, Fu, X, Goh, RSM, Gluckman, PD et al.. Trajectories of reported sleep duration associate with early childhood cognitive development. Sleep. 2023;46 (2):. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac264. PubMed PMID:36355436 PubMed Central PMC9905782.
  58. Uy, JP, Tan, AP, Broeckman, BBFP, Gluckman, PD, Chong, YS, Chen, H et al.. Effects of maternal childhood trauma on child emotional health: maternal mental health and frontoamygdala pathways. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2023;64 (3):426-436. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13721. PubMed PMID:36331294 .
  59. de Mendonça Filho, EJ, Frechette, A, Pokhvisneva, I, Arcego, DM, Barth, B, Tejada, CV et al.. Examining attachment, cortisol secretion, and cognitive neurodevelopment in preschoolers and its predictive value for telomere length at age seven. Front Behav Neurosci. 2022;16 :954977. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.954977. PubMed PMID:36311861 PubMed Central PMC9606391.
  60. de Lima, RMS, Barth, B, Mar Arcego, D, de Mendonça Filho, EJ, Patel, S, Wang, Z et al.. Leptin receptor co-expression gene network moderates the effect of early life adversity on eating behavior in children. Commun Biol. 2022;5 (1):1092. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03992-8. PubMed PMID:36241774 PubMed Central PMC9568584.
  61. Tan, CW, Tan, HS, Sultana, R, Meaney, MJ, Kee, MZL, Sng, BL et al.. Association of pain, analgesic, psychological, and socioeconomic factors with sub-acute pain after childbirth: A prospective cohort study. J Clin Anesth. 2022;83 :110978. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2022.110978. PubMed PMID:36208586 .
  62. Felt, JM, Harrington, KD, Ram, N, O'Donnell, KJ, Sliwinski, MJ, Benson, L et al.. Receptive Language Abilities for Females Exposed to Early Life Adversity: Modification by Epigenetic Age Acceleration at Midlife in a 30-Year Prospective Cohort Study. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2023;78 (4):585-595. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbac158. PubMed PMID:36190812 PubMed Central PMC10066744.
  63. Bethlehem, RAI, Seidlitz, J, White, SR, Vogel, JW, Anderson, KM, Adamson, C et al.. Publisher Correction: Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature. 2022;610 (7931):E6. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05300-0. PubMed PMID:36151472 PubMed Central PMC9556297.
  64. Li, M, O'Donnell, KJ, Caron, J, Meaney, MJ, Kobor, M, D'Arcy, C et al.. To what extent do social support and coping strategies mediate the relation between childhood maltreatment and major depressive disorder: A longitudinal community-based cohort. Dev Psychopathol. 2024;36 (1):50-61. doi: 10.1017/S0954579422000918. PubMed PMID:36102218 .
  65. Rayan, NA, Kumar, V, Aow, J, Rastegar, N, Lim, MGL, O'Toole, N et al.. Integrative multi-omics landscape of fluoxetine action across 27 brain regions reveals global increase in energy metabolism and region-specific chromatin remodelling. Mol Psychiatry. 2022;27 (11):4510-4525. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01725-1. PubMed PMID:36056172 PubMed Central PMC9734063.
  66. Kee, MZL, Teh, AL, Clappison, A, Pokhvisneva, I, MacIssac, JL, Lin, DTS et al.. Fetal sex-specific epigenetic associations with prenatal maternal depressive symptoms. iScience. 2022;25 (9):104860. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104860. PubMed PMID:36046194 PubMed Central PMC9421382.
  67. Huang, J, Law, E, Karaman, I, McCrickerd, K, Fogel, A, Chong, MFF et al.. Investigation of metabolomic biomarkers for childhood executive function and the role of genetic and dietary factors: The GUSTO cohort. EBioMedicine. 2022;81 :104111. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104111. PubMed PMID:35728485 PubMed Central PMC9214799.
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